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Hypertable Namespace Reference

Hypertable definitions More...


 Cluster definition file translation definitions.
 Master dependency strings
 File system broker definitions.
 Hypertable library.
 Logging framework.
 Maintenance task bit field.
 MetaLog framework.
 Master operation states.
 Polling event constants (mechanism-independent).
 Table maintenance constants
 General-purpose utilities.


class  __directory_iterator
class  __directory_node_internal
struct  __is_nothrow_swappable
struct  __is_nothrow_swappable_imp
struct  __is_nothrow_swappable_imp< false, _Tp >
struct  __is_swappable
class  AccessGroup
 Access group. More...
class  AccessGroupGarbageTracker
 Tracks access group garbage and signals when collection is needed. More...
class  AccessGroupHintsFile
 Reads and writes access group "hints" file. More...
class  AccessGroupOptions
 Specification for access group options. More...
class  AccessGroupSpec
 Access group specification. More...
struct  AllocatorBase
 Base classes for all Allocator classes. More...
struct  AllocatorBase< void >
 Disallow AllocatorBase for the type 'void' by generating a compiler error if it's used. More...
class  ApacheLogEntry
class  ApacheLogParser
class  ApplicationHandler
 Base clase for application handlers. More...
class  ApplicationQueue
 Application queue. More...
class  ApplicationQueueInterface
 Abstract interface for application queue. More...
class  ArenaAllocatorBase
 Specialized Allocator class using a Memory Arena which manages the allocated memory; see PageArenaAllocator.h for an actual implementation. More...
class  BalanceAlgorithm
class  BalanceAlgorithmEvenRanges
class  BalanceAlgorithmLoad
class  BalanceAlgorithmOffload
class  BalancePlan
 Balance plan. More...
class  BalancePlanAuthority
 Central authority for balance plans. More...
class  Barrier
 A Barrier to block execution of code. More...
class  Base64
 Provides base64 encoding and decoding functions. More...
class  BasicBloomFilter
 A space-efficent probabilistic set for membership test, false postives are possible, but false negatives are not. More...
class  BasicBloomFilterWithChecksum
 A space-efficent probabilistic set for membership test, false postives are possible, but false negatives are not. More...
struct  Blob
 A Blob structure holds a data pointer and a size. More...
class  BlobHashSet
 A HashSet for storing and looking up blobs efficiently. More...
struct  BlobHashTraits
 Traits for BlobHashSet Hash function default to MurmurHash2 for speed and mix. More...
class  BlockCompressionCodec
 Abstract base class for block compression codecs. More...
class  BlockCompressionCodecBmz
 Block compressor that uses the BMZ algorithm. More...
class  BlockCompressionCodecLzo
 Block compressor that uses the LZO algorithm. More...
class  BlockCompressionCodecNone
 Block compressor that performs no compression. More...
class  BlockCompressionCodecQuicklz
 Block compressor that uses the QUICKLZ algorithm. More...
class  BlockCompressionCodecSnappy
 Block compressor that uses the SNAPPY algorithm. More...
class  BlockCompressionCodecZlib
 Block compressor that uses the ZLIB algorithm. More...
class  BlockHeader
 Base class for block headers. More...
class  BlockHeaderCellStore
 cell store block header. More...
class  BlockHeaderCommitLog
 Commit log block header. More...
class  ByteString
 A class managing one or more serializable ByteStrings. More...
class  Canonicalize
 Static class with methods for canonicalizing table and namespace names. More...
class  Cell
 Encapsulates decomposed key and value. More...
class  CellCache
 Represents a sorted list of key/value pairs in memory. More...
struct  CellCacheAllocator
class  CellCacheManager
 Manages the cell cache of an access group. More...
struct  CellCachePageAllocator
class  CellCacheScanner
 Provides a scanning interface to a CellCache. More...
class  CellList
 Abstract base class for cell lists (sorted lists of key/value pairs). More...
class  CellListScanner
class  CellListScannerBuffer
 Cell list scanner over a buffer of cells. More...
class  CellPredicate
 Cell predicate. More...
class  CellsBuilder
class  CellStore
 Abstract base class for persistent cell lists (ones that are stored on disk). More...
class  CellStoreBlockIndexArray
class  CellStoreBlockIndexElementArray
class  CellStoreBlockIndexIteratorArray
 Provides an STL-style iterator on CellStoreBlockIndex objects. More...
class  CellStoreFactory
 Factory class for creating CellStore objects. More...
class  CellStoreInfo
class  CellStoreReleaseCallback
class  CellStoreScanner
 Provides the ability to scan over (query) a cell store. More...
class  CellStoreScannerInterval
class  CellStoreScannerIntervalBlockIndex
 Provides the ability to scan over a portion of a cell store using its block index. More...
class  CellStoreScannerIntervalReadahead
 Provides ability to efficiently scan over a portion of a cell store. More...
class  CellStoreTrailer
 Abstract base class for cell store trailer. More...
class  CellStoreTrailerV0
class  CellStoreTrailerV1
class  CellStoreTrailerV2
class  CellStoreTrailerV3
class  CellStoreTrailerV4
class  CellStoreTrailerV5
class  CellStoreTrailerV6
class  CellStoreTrailerV7
 Represents the trailer for CellStore version 7. More...
class  CellStoreV0
class  CellStoreV1
class  CellStoreV2
class  CellStoreV3
class  CellStoreV4
class  CellStoreV5
class  CellStoreV6
class  CellStoreV7
class  Client
class  ClientObject
 Base class for Hypertable client objects. More...
class  ClusterCommandInterpreter
 Executes interactive cluster tool commands. More...
class  ClusterId
 Provides access to the cluster ID. More...
class  Column
class  ColumnFamilyOptions
 Specification for column family options. More...
class  ColumnFamilySpec
 Column family specification. More...
class  ColumnSpec
class  ColumnString
class  Comm
 Entry point to AsyncComm service. More...
class  CommAddress
 Address abstraction to hold either proxy name or IPv4:port address. More...
class  CommAddressHash
 Hash function (functor) for CommAddress objets. More...
class  CommAddressMap
 Parameterized hash map for mapping CommAddress to arbitrary type. More...
class  CommandInterpreter
class  CommandShell
struct  CommandShellPolicy
class  CommBuf
 Message buffer for holding data to be transmitted over a network. More...
class  CommHeader
 Header for messages transmitted via AsyncComm. More...
class  CommitLog
 Commit log for persisting range updates. More...
class  CommitLogBase
struct  CommitLogBlockInfo
 Holds information about an individual block. More...
class  CommitLogBlockStream
 Abstraction for reading a stream of blocks from a commit log file. More...
class  CommitLogFileInfo
class  CommitLogReader
 Provides sequential access to blocks in a commit log. More...
class  CompressorFactory
class  ConnectionHandler
 Handles incoming Master requests. More...
class  ConnectionHandlerFactory
 Abstract class for creating default application dispatch handlers. More...
class  ConnectionInitializer
 Driver interface for connection initialization handshake in ConnectionManager. More...
class  ConnectionManager
 Establishes and maintains a set of TCP connections. More...
class  ConsoleOutputSquelcher
 Temporarily redirects stdout and stderr to /dev/null. More...
class  Context
 Execution context for the Master. More...
struct  CpuInfo
 A structure to retrieve CPU information (vendor, model, speed, number of cores etc.) More...
struct  CpuStat
 A structure to retrieve CPU statistics (system wide cpu times, idle time etc). More...
class  Cronolog
 Time based rotating log. More...
class  Crontab
 Tracks timing of periodic events. More...
struct  crontab_entry
 Binary representation of crontab spec. More...
class  Crypto
 Provides cryptographic functions. More...
struct  CstrCaseHashTraits
class  CstrHashMap
 A hash map for storing and lookup char * strings efficiently. More...
struct  CstrHashTraits
 Traits for CstrHashMap/Set. More...
class  DataGenerator
class  DataGeneratorIterator
 Provides an STL-style iterator on DataGenerator objects. More...
struct  DataGeneratorPolicy
class  DataSource
struct  DefaultPageAllocator
 A memory allocator using std::malloc() and std::free(). More...
class  directory
 Directory container class. More...
class  directory_entry
class  DiscreteRandomGenerator
 Generates samples from a discrete probability distribution in the range [0, max_val] by transforming a uniform [0, 1] distribution into the desired distribution. More...
class  DiscreteRandomGeneratorFactory
 Static factory class for discrete random generators. More...
class  DiscreteRandomGeneratorUniform
 Generate samples from Uniform distribution. More...
class  DiscreteRandomGeneratorZipf
 Generate samples from Zipf distribution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zipf%27s_law. More...
struct  DiskStat
 A structure to retrieve disk statistics (read/write IOPS, transfer rates etc) More...
class  DispatchHandler
 Abstract base class for application dispatch handlers registered with AsyncComm. More...
class  DispatchHandlerOperation
 DispatchHandler class for managing async RangeServer requests. More...
class  DispatchHandlerOperationAlterTable
class  DispatchHandlerOperationCompact
 Dispatch handler to aggregate a set of RangeServer::compact results. More...
class  DispatchHandlerOperationDropTable
class  DispatchHandlerOperationGetStatistics
class  DispatchHandlerOperationSetState
 DispatchHandler class for gathering responses to a set of RangeServer::set_state() requests. More...
class  DispatchHandlerOperationSystemStatus
 Carries out scatter/gather requests for RangeServer status. More...
class  DispatchHandlerOperationToggleTableMaintenance
 Dispatch handler for either enabling or disabling table maintenance by issuing requests to range servers and aggregating the responses. More...
class  DispatchHandlerSynchronizer
 DispatchHandler class used to synchronize with response messages. More...
class  DynamicBuffer
 A dynamic, resizable and reference counted memory buffer. More...
struct  Endpoint
 High-level entry point to a service; wraps a host:port pair. More...
class  Event
 Network communication event. More...
class  Exception
 This is a generic exception class for Hypertable. More...
struct  ExceptionMessageRenderer
 Helper class to render an exception message a la IO manipulators. More...
struct  ExceptionMessagesRenderer
 Helper class to render an exception message a la IO manipulators. More...
struct  ExpireTimer
 State record for timer. More...
struct  FailedRegionAsync
class  FailureInducer
class  FileBlockCache
class  Filesystem
 Abstract base class for a filesystem. More...
class  FileUtils
 The FileUtils class provides static functions to easily access and handle files and the file system. More...
class  FixedIstream
 Input stream using a fixed buffer. More...
class  FixedOstream
 Output stream using a fixed buffer. More...
class  FixedRandomStringGenerator
class  FixedStreamBuf
 A simple streambuf with fixed size buffer. More...
class  FlyweightString
 The Flyweight string set stores duplicate strings efficiently. More...
class  FragmentData
 Accumulates phantom update data for a phantom range. More...
struct  FsStat
 A structure to retrieve Filesystem statistics (total size, free size, used size etc) More...
class  Future
class  GcWorker
class  Global
class  GroupCommit
 Group commit manager. More...
class  GroupCommitInterface
 Abstract base class for group commit implementation. More...
class  GroupCommitTimerHandler
class  HandlerFactory
class  HandlerMap
 Data structure for mapping socket addresses to I/O handlers. More...
class  HostSpecification
 Converts host specification pattern to list of host names. More...
class  HqlCommandInterpreter
 HQL command interpreter. More...
class  HqlHelpText
 Holds and provides access to help text. More...
class  HqlInterpreter
 The API of HQL interpreter. More...
class  HyperspaceSessionHandler
class  HyperspaceTableCache
 Provides efficient lookup of Hyperspace table data. More...
class  IndexMutatorCallback
 ResultCallback for secondary indices; used by TableMutatorAsync. More...
class  IndexScannerCallback
 ResultCallback for secondary indices; used by TableScannerAsync. More...
class  IndexUpdater
 Helper class for updating index tables. More...
class  IndexUpdaterCallback
class  IndexUpdaterFactory
 Factory class for creating IndexUpdater objects. More...
class  InetAddr
 Encapsulate an internet address. More...
class  InteractiveCommand
 Abstract base class for simple interactive shell commands. More...
class  IntervalScannerAsync
class  IOHandler
 Base class for socket descriptor I/O handlers. More...
class  IOHandlerAccept
 I/O handler for accept (listen) sockets. More...
class  IOHandlerData
 I/O handler for TCP sockets. More...
class  IOHandlerDatagram
 I/O handler for datagram (UDP) sockets. More...
class  IOHandlerRaw
 I/O handler for raw sockets. More...
class  Key
 Provides access to internal components of opaque key. More...
struct  key_revision_lt
class  KeyCompressor
class  KeyCompressorNone
class  KeyCompressorPrefix
class  KeyDecompressor
class  KeyDecompressorNone
class  KeyDecompressorPrefix
class  KeySpec
class  KeySpecBuilder
 Helper class for building a KeySpec. More...
class  LiveFileTracker
 Tracks files that are live or referenced for purposes of maintaining the 'Files' METADATA column. More...
struct  LoadAvgStat
 A structure to retrieve load average-statistics. More...
class  LoadBalancer
class  LoadDataEscape
class  LoadDataSource
class  LoadDataSourceFactory
class  LoadDataSourceFileDfs
class  LoadDataSourceFileLocal
class  LoadDataSourceStdin
class  LoadFactors
class  LoadMetricsRange
class  LoadRec
class  LoadStatistics
 Computes application load statistics. More...
class  LoadThread
class  LocationCache
 This class acts as a cache of Range location information. More...
struct  LocationCacheKey
 Key type for Range location cache. More...
class  LocationInitializer
 Obtains location string (proxy name) for the range server. More...
class  LogReplayBarrier
 Blocks requests until specific commit log has finished replaying. More...
struct  lt_ctip
 Comparison functor for ClusterTableIdPair objects. More...
struct  LtCellStoreBlockIndexElementArray
struct  LtClfip
struct  LtNamespaceListingId
struct  LtNamespaceListingName
struct  LtQualifiedRangeSpecManaged
struct  ltStringPtr
struct  LtTimerHeap
 Comparison function (functor) for timer heap. More...
class  MaintenancePrioritizer
class  MaintenancePrioritizerLogCleanup
class  MaintenancePrioritizerLowMemory
class  MaintenanceQueue
 Queue for periodic maintenance work. More...
class  MaintenanceScheduler
 Schedules range server maintenance. More...
class  MaintenanceTask
class  MaintenanceTaskCompaction
class  MaintenanceTaskDeferredInitialization
class  MaintenanceTaskMemoryPurge
class  MaintenanceTaskRelinquish
class  MaintenanceTaskSplit
class  MaintenanceTaskWorkQueue
class  MemoryTracker
 Tracks range server memory used. More...
struct  MemStat
 A structure to retrieve memory statistics (RAM size, used size, free size etc) More...
class  MergeScannerAccessGroup
 Merge scanner for access groups. More...
class  MergeScannerRange
 Performs a scan over a range. More...
class  Metadata
class  MetadataNormal
class  MetadataRoot
class  MetaLogEntityRange
 MetaLog entity for range state persisted in RSML. More...
class  MetaLogEntityRemoveOkLogs
 MetaLog entity to track transfer logs that can be safely removed More...
class  Metrics
 Metrics interface. More...
class  MetricsCollector
 Abstract metrics collector. More...
class  MetricsCollectorGanglia
 Ganglia metrics collector. More...
class  MetricsHandler
 Collects and publishes Master metrics. More...
class  MetricsProcess
 Computes and publishes general process metrics. More...
class  Monitoring
struct  MurmurHash2
 Helper structure using overloaded operator() to calculate hashes of various input types. More...
class  MutexWithStatistics
 Mutex that maintains wait threads count. More...
class  NameIdMapper
 Easy mapping between a Table/Namespace name string to ids and vice versa. More...
class  Namespace
class  NamespaceCache
class  NamespaceListing
struct  NetInfo
 A structure to retrieve network information (host name, primary interface, primary address, gateway etc) More...
struct  NetStat
 A structure to retrieve network statistics (receiving rate, transmitting rate etc) More...
class  NotificationMessage
 Holds a notification message to be deliverd to the administrator. More...
class  Notifier
class  NumericFormatter
class  NumericFormatterDigits
 The fast numeric formatters, very much inspired from http://cppformat.github.io/. More...
class  NumericSignedFormatter
class  NumericUnsignedFormatter
class  ObjScopeGuardImpl0
 ScopeGuard implementation for method with no parameter. More...
class  ObjScopeGuardImpl1
 ScopeGuard implementation for method with 1 parameter. More...
class  ObjScopeGuardImpl2
 ScopeGuard implementation for method with 2 parameters. More...
class  Operation
 Abstract base class for master operations. More...
class  OperationAlterTable
 Carries out an alter table operation. More...
class  OperationBalance
class  OperationCollectGarbage
class  OperationCompact
 Carries out a manual compaction operation. More...
class  OperationCreateNamespace
class  OperationCreateTable
 Carries out a create table operation. More...
class  OperationDropNamespace
class  OperationDropTable
 Carries out a drop table operation. More...
class  OperationEphemeral
 Abstract base class for ephemeral operations. More...
class  OperationGatherStatistics
 Gathers and processes RangeServer statistics. More...
class  OperationInitialize
class  OperationMoveRange
class  OperationProcessor
 Runs a set of operaions with dependency relationships. More...
class  OperationRecover
 Carries out recovery operaton for a range server. More...
class  OperationRecoverRanges
class  OperationRecoveryBlocker
class  OperationRecreateIndexTables
 Reconstructs a table's index tables. More...
class  OperationRegisterServer
class  OperationRegisterServerBlocker
 Blocks range server registration. More...
class  OperationRelinquishAcknowledge
class  OperationRenameTable
class  OperationSetState
 Carries out a set variables operation. More...
class  OperationStatus
class  OperationStop
class  OperationSystemStatus
class  OperationSystemUpgrade
class  OperationTimedBarrier
class  OperationToggleTableMaintenance
 Enables or disables maintenance for a table. More...
class  OperationWaitForServers
struct  OsInfo
 A structure to retrieve operating system information (name, version, vendor, architecture) More...
class  PageArena
 The PageArena allocator is simple and fast, avoiding individual mallocs/frees. More...
struct  PageArenaAllocator
 The PageArenaAllocator is a STL allocator based on PageArena. More...
class  ParallelStateRec
class  Path
 Compatibility class for boost::filesystem::path. More...
class  PhantomRange
 Represents a "phantom" range. More...
class  PhantomRangeMap
 Provides a mapping from table name to TableInfo object. More...
struct  PollDescriptorT
 Socket descriptor poll state for use with POSIX poll() More...
class  PollTimeout
 Maintains next timeout for event polling loop. More...
struct  ProcInfo
 A structure to receive process information (pid, user name, exe name, working directory, program arguments etc) More...
struct  ProcStat
 A structure to receive process statistics (CPU user time, system time, virtmal machine sizes etc) More...
class  ProfileDataScanner
 Scanner profile data. More...
class  Properties
 Manages a collection of program options. More...
class  Protocol
 Abstract base class for server protocol drivers. More...
class  ProxyAddressInfo
 Holds address and hostname associated with a proxy name. More...
class  ProxyMap
 Maps a set of proxy names to their associated IP addresses. More...
class  PseudoTables
 Singleton class holding Schema objects for pseudo tables. More...
struct  QualifiedRangeEqual
class  QualifiedRangeHash
class  QualifiedRangeSpec
 Qualified (with table identifier) range specification. More...
class  QualifiedRangeSpecManaged
 Qualified (with table identifier) range specification, with storage. More...
class  Qualifier
class  QualifierFactory
class  QualifierSpec
class  QualifierString
class  QueryCache
 Query cache. More...
class  QueryThread
class  Random
 Convenience interface for random number and data generation. More...
class  Range
 Represents a table row range. More...
class  RangeAddrInfo
 Holds range location. More...
class  RangeData
 Holds pointers to a Range and associated Range::MaintenanceData. More...
class  RangeInfo
 Holds pointer to range and cached start and end rows. More...
class  RangeLocationInfo
 Holds range start and end row plus location. More...
class  RangeLocator
 Locates containing range given a key. More...
class  RangeLocatorHyperspaceSessionCallback
class  RangeMaintenanceGuard
class  RangeMoveSpec
 Range move specification. More...
class  RangeReplayBuffer
class  Ranges
 Holds vector of RangeData objects and memory arena. More...
class  RangeServerConnection
class  RangeServerConnectionManager
class  RangeServerHyperspaceCallback
 Callback class for range server lock files. More...
struct  RangeServerState
class  RangeServerStatistics
class  RangeSet
 Interface for removing a range or changing its end row in a Range set. More...
class  RangeSpec
 Range specification. More...
class  RangeSpecManaged
 Wrapper for RangeSpec providing member storage. More...
class  RangeState
 Range state. More...
class  RangeStateManaged
 Range state with memory management. More...
class  RangeTransferInfo
class  RawSocketHandler
 Abstract base class for application raw socket handlers registered with AsyncComm. More...
class  Reactor
 Manages reactor (polling thread) state including poll interest, request cache, and timers. More...
class  ReactorFactory
 Static class used to setup and manage I/O reactors. More...
class  ReactorRunner
 Thread functor class for reacting to I/O events. More...
class  RecoveredServers
 Set of recovered servers. More...
class  RecoveryStepFuture
 Tracks outstanding RangeServer recover requests. More...
class  ReferenceManager
 Holds references to operations that are to be manually removed. More...
class  RefHolder
 Helper class used to pass a parameter to the ScopeGuard by reference. More...
class  Regex
 Provides utility functions for regular expressions. More...
class  ReplayBuffer
class  ReplayDispatchHandler
class  RequestCache
 Class used to hold pending request callback handlers. More...
class  ResponseCallback
 This class is used to generate and deliver standard responses back to a client. More...
class  ResponseManager
 Manages the sending of operation results back to clients. More...
class  ResponseManagerContext
 Implementation shared by ResponseManager objects. More...
class  Result
class  ResultCallback
 Represents an open table. More...
class  RootFileHandler
class  RowComponent
class  RowComponentInteger
class  RowComponentSpec
class  RowComponentString
class  RowComponentTimestamp
class  ScanBlock
 Encapsulates a block of scan results. More...
class  ScanContext
 Scan context information. More...
class  ScannerMap
 Map to hold outstanding scanners. More...
class  Schema
 Schema specification. More...
class  ScopeGuardImpl0
 ScopeGuard implementation for free function with no paramter. More...
class  ScopeGuardImpl1
 ScopeGuard implementation for free function with 1 parameter. More...
class  ScopeGuardImpl2
 ScopeGuard implementation for free function with 2 parameters. More...
class  ScopeGuardImpl3
 ScopeGuard implementation for free function with 3 parameters. More...
class  ScopeGuardImplBase
 Base class for the ScopeGuards. More...
struct  SendBackRec
 Describes portion of an update buffer rejected due to error. More...
class  Serializable
 Mixin class that provides a standard serialization interface. More...
class  SerializedCellsReader
class  SerializedCellsWriter
class  SerializedKey
class  ServerLauncher
 Launches external commands and redirects their output to a file; kills the external process when going out of scope. More...
class  ServerState
 Holds dynamic server state. More...
class  SleepWakeNotifier
 Delivers sleep and wakeup notifications. More...
struct  SockAddrEqual
 Equality predicate functor class for InetAddr. More...
class  SockAddrHash
 Hash functor class for InetAddr. More...
class  SockAddrMap
 Unordered map specialization for InetAddr keys. More...
class  SshOutputCollector
 Collects buffers of output from execution of remote SSH command. More...
class  SshSocketHandler
 Raw socket handler for ssh protocol driver. More...
class  SshThreadsCallbacks
 Thread callbacks for libssh More...
class  StaticBuffer
 A memory buffer of static size. More...
class  StatsRangeServer
class  StatsSerializable
 Abstract base class for managing serialized statistics. More...
class  StatsSystem
 Collects, serializes and deserializes system-wide statistics. More...
class  StatsTable
class  Status
 Holds Nagios-style program status information. More...
class  StatusPersister
 Persists program status information to disk. More...
struct  StlAllocator
 Stl compatible memory allocator based on a PageArena. More...
class  Stopwatch
 The Stopwatch class measures elapsed time between instantiation (or a call to start) and a call to stop. More...
class  StringCompressorPrefix
 A class to prefix-compress strings. More...
class  StringDecompressorPrefix
 A class to decompress prefix-compressed strings. More...
class  SubProperties
 Helper class to access parts of the properties. More...
struct  SwapStat
 A structure to retrieve Swapping statistics (pages swapped in/out, aggregate total numbers etc) More...
class  System
class  SystemState
 Holds persistent global system state. More...
class  Table
 Represents an open table. More...
class  TableCache
class  TableCallback
 Represents an open table. More...
class  TableDumper
class  TableIdentifier
 Table identifier. More...
class  TableIdentifierManaged
 Wrapper for TableIdentifier providing member storage. More...
class  TableInfo
 Holds set of range objects for a table. More...
class  TableInfoMap
 Manages live range map and set of log names that can be safely removed. More...
class  TableMutator
 Provides the ability to mutate a table in the form of adding and deleting rows and cells. More...
class  TableMutatorAsync
 Provides the ability to mutate a table in the form of adding and deleting rows and cells. More...
class  TableMutatorAsyncCompletionCounter
 Tracks outstanding RangeServer update requests. More...
class  TableMutatorAsyncDispatchHandler
 This class is a DispatchHandler. More...
class  TableMutatorAsyncHandler
 This class is a DispatchHandler. More...
class  TableMutatorAsyncScatterBuffer
class  TableMutatorAsyncSendBuffer
class  TableMutatorCompletionCounter
 Tracks outstanding RangeServer update requests. More...
struct  TableMutatorFlushHandler
class  TableMutatorIntervalHandler
 Timer handler for periodically flushing a shared mutator. More...
class  TableMutatorQueue
 Provides application work queue and worker threads. More...
class  TableMutatorShared
 A TableMutator that can be shared from multiple threads and incidentally has an option to do periodic flushes. More...
class  TableMutatorSyncDispatchHandler
 This class is a DispatchHandler class that is used for collecting asynchronous commit log sync requests. More...
class  TableParts
 Represents a set of table parts (sub-tables). More...
class  TableScanner
 Synchronous table scanner. More...
class  TableScannerAsync
 Asynchronous table scanner. More...
class  TableScannerDispatchHandler
struct  TableScannerHandler
class  TableScannerQueue
 Provides application work queue and worker threads. More...
struct  TableSplit
 Represents a table split. More...
class  TableSplitBuilder
class  TableSplitsContainer
struct  TclHash
 Helper structure using overloaded operator() to calculate the Tcl hashes of various input types. More...
struct  TclHash2
 Helper structure using overloaded operator() to calculate the Tcl hashes of various input types (using tcl_hash2, the faster implementation). More...
struct  TermInfo
 A structure to retrieve terminal information (lines, columns etc) More...
class  TestData
struct  TestFun
 Helper class wrapping the invocation of a single test function. More...
class  TestHarness
 A simple test framework which sets up the logging subsystem, can compare its output against a golden file or regenerate the golden file. More...
class  TestSource
class  TestStat
 Accumulates min, max, mean and stdev of the test results; based on the Welford method for numerical stability (see http://www.johndcook.com/standard_deviation.html) More...
class  Timer
 A timer class to keep timeout states across AsyncComm related calls. More...
class  TimerHandler
 Timer interrupt handler. More...
class  TimeWindow
 Defines a time window. More...
class  TransferLog
 Creates a unique range transfer log pathname. More...
class  UpdateContext
 Context record for update request passed into UpdatePipeline. More...
class  UpdatePipeline
 Three-staged, multithreaded update pipeline. More...
class  UpdateRecRange
 Specifies a range of updates (key/value pairs) within a buffer. More...
class  UpdateRecRangeList
 Holds updates destined for a specific range. More...
class  UpdateRecTable
 Holds updates destined for a specific table. More...
class  UpdateRequest
 Holds client update request and error state. More...
class  Usage
 Helper class for printing usage banners on the command line. More...
class  WordStream
 A class generating a stream of words; the words are retrieved from a file and can be randomized. More...
class  XmlParser
 Base class for XML document parsers. More...


typedef std::shared_ptr
< ApplicationQueue
 Shared smart pointer to ApplicationQueue object. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ApplicationQueueInterface
 Smart pointer to ApplicationQueueInterface. More...
typedef std::chrono::fast_clock ClockT
 Clock used for AsyncComm timing needs. More...
typedef std::set< CommAddressCommAddressSet
 Set of CommAddress objects. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< CommBufCommBufPtr
 Smart pointer to CommBuf. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ConnectionHandlerFactory
 Smart pointer to ConnectionHandlerFactory. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ConnectionInitializer
 Smart pointer to ConnectionInitializer. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ConnectionManager
 Smart pointer to ConnectionManager. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DispatchHandler
 Smart pointer to DispatchHandler. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DispatchHandlerSynchronizer
 Shared smart pointer to DispatchHandlerSynchronizer. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< EventEventPtr
 Smart pointer to Event. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< HandlerMap
 Smart pointer to HandlerMap. More...
typedef std::unordered_map
< String, ProxyAddressInfo
 Forward mapping hash type from proxy name to ProxyAddressInfo. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< ReactorReactorPtr
 Shared smart pointer to Reactor. More...
typedef BasicBloomFilter BloomFilter
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DiscreteRandomGenerator
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DynamicBuffer
typedef std::shared_ptr
< Filesystem
 Smart pointer to Filesystem. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< MetricsCollectorGanglia
 Smart pointer to MetricsCollectorGanglia. More...
typedef PageArena CharArena
typedef PageArena< unsigned char > ByteArena
typedef std::vector< StringStrings
typedef std::vector< int64_t > Int64s
typedef std::vector< double > Doubles
typedef Po::options_description PropertiesDesc
typedef std::shared_ptr
< Properties
typedef const ScopeGuardImplBaseScopeGuard
typedef std::shared_ptr
< StaticBuffer
 Smart pointer to StaticBuffer. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< StatsSystem
typedef PageArena< uint8_t,
typedef std::string String
 A String is simply a typedef to std::string. More...
typedef long unsigned int Lu
 Shortcut for printf formats. More...
typedef long long unsigned int Llu
 Shortcut for printf formats. More...
typedef long long int Lld
 Shortcut for printf formats. More...
< uint8_t > 
< uint16_t > 
< uint32_t > 
< uint64_t > 
typedef NumericSignedFormatter
< int8_t > 
typedef NumericSignedFormatter
< int16_t > 
typedef NumericSignedFormatter
< int32_t > 
typedef NumericSignedFormatter
< int64_t > 
typedef boost::thread Thread
typedef boost::thread_group ThreadGroup
typedef std::shared_ptr
< WordStream
typedef std::vector
< AccessGroupSpec * > 
 Vector of AccessGroupSpec pointers. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< BalancePlan
typedef std::shared_ptr
< BlockCompressionCodec
 Smart pointer to BlockCompressionCodec. More...
typedef PageArenaAllocator< CellCellAlloc
typedef std::vector< Cell,
typedef std::pair< Cell, int > FailedMutation
typedef std::vector
< FailedMutation
typedef std::shared_ptr
< CellsBuilder
 Smart pointer to CellsBuilder. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< ClientClientPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ClientObject
 Smart pointer to ClientObject. More...
typedef std::vector
< ColumnFamilySpec * > 
 Vector of ColumnFamilySpec pointers. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< CommitLog
 Smart pointer to CommitLog. More...
typedef std::deque
< CommitLogFileInfo * > 
typedef std::shared_ptr
< CommitLogBase
typedef std::shared_ptr
< CommitLogReader
 Smart pointer to CommitLogReader. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< FutureFuturePtr
typedef std::shared_ptr
< HqlInterpreter
 Smart pointer to HqlInterpreter. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< IndexMutatorCallback
typedef std::shared_ptr
< IntervalScannerAsync
 Smart pointer to IntervalScannerAsync. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< LoadDataSource
 Smart pointer to LoadDataSource. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< LocationCache
 Smart pointer to LocationCache. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< NameIdMapper
 Smart pointer to NameIdMapper. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< Namespace
 Shared smart pointer to Namespace. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< NamespaceCache
 Smart pointer to NamespaceCache. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< RangeLocator
 Smart pointer to RangeLocator. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< RangeMoveSpec
typedef std::shared_ptr< ResultResultPtr
 Smart pointer to Result. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ResultCallback
 Shared smart pointer to ResultCallback. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ScanBlock
 Smart pointer to ScanBlock. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< SchemaSchemaPtr
 Smart pointer to Schema. More...
typedef std::map< const char
*, StatsTable *, LtCstr
typedef std::shared_ptr
< StatsRangeServer
 Smart pointer to StatsRangeServer. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< TableTablePtr
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableCache
 Smart pointer to TableCache. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableDumper
 Smart pointer to TableDumper. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableMutator
 Smart pointer to TableMutator. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableMutatorAsync
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableMutatorAsyncScatterBuffer
 Smart pointer to TableMutatorAsyncScatterBuffer. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableMutatorAsyncSendBuffer
 Smart pointer to TableMutatorAsyncSendBuffer. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableMutatorIntervalHandler
 Smart pointer to TableMutatorIntervalHandler. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableMutatorQueue
 Shared smart pointer to TableMutatorQueue. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableScanner
 Smart pointer to TableScanner. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableScannerAsync
 Smart pointer to TableScannerAsync. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableScannerQueue
 Shared smart pointer to TableScannerQueue. More...
typedef boost::shared_array
< const char > 
typedef std::shared_ptr
< BalanceAlgorithm
typedef std::shared_ptr
< BalancePlanAuthority
 Smart pointer to BalancePlanAuthority. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< ContextContextPtr
 Smart pointer to Context. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DispatchHandlerOperation
 Smart pointer to DispatchHandlerOperation. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DispatchHandlerOperationAlterTable
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DispatchHandlerOperationCompact
 Smart pointer to DispatchHandlerOperationCompact. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DispatchHandlerOperationDropTable
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DispatchHandlerOperationGetStatistics
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DispatchHandlerOperationSetState
 Smart pointer to DispatchHandlerOperationSetState. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DispatchHandlerOperationSystemStatus
 Smart pointer to DispatchHandlerOperationSystemStatus. More...
typedef CstrHashMap< int > CountMap
typedef std::shared_ptr
< MetricsHandler
 Smart pointer to MetricsHandler. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< Monitoring
typedef std::set< StringDependencySet
 Set of dependency string. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< Operation
 Smart pointer to Operation. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< OperationMoveRange
typedef std::shared_ptr
< RangeServerConnection
typedef std::shared_ptr
< RangeServerConnectionManager
typedef std::shared_ptr
< RecoveredServers
 Smart pointer to RecoveredServers. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< RecoveryStepFuture
typedef std::shared_ptr
< SystemState
 Shared smart pointer to SystemState. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< AccessGroup
typedef std::set< Key,
typedef std::shared_ptr
< CellCache
 Shared smart pointer to CellCache. More...
typedef PageArena< uint8_t,
typedef std::shared_ptr
< CellCacheManager
 Smart pointer to CellCacheManager. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< CellListScanner
typedef std::shared_ptr
< CellStore
 Smart pointer to CellStore. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< FragmentData
 Smart pointer to FragmentData. More...
typedef std::pair< uint64_t,
 Structure for holding cluster ID / table identifier pair. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< GroupCommitInterface
 Smart pointer to GroupCommitInterface. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< GroupCommitTimerHandler
 Shared smart pointer to GroupCommitTimerHandler. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< HyperspaceTableCache
 Smart pointer to HyperspaceTableCache. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< IndexUpdater
 Smart pointer to IndexUpdater. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< KeyCompressor
typedef std::unordered_map
< String, uint32_t > 
typedef std::shared_ptr
< LoadStatistics
 Shared smart pointer to LoadStatistics. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< LocationInitializer
 Shared smart pointer to LocationInitializer. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< LogReplayBarrier
 Smart pointer to LogReplayBarrier. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< MaintenanceQueue
 Smart pointer to MaintenanceQueue. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< MaintenanceScheduler
 Smart pointer to MaintenanceScheduler. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< MergeScannerAccessGroup
 Shared pointer to MergeScannerAccessGroup. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< MergeScannerRange
 Smart pointer to MergeScannerRange. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< MetaLogEntityRange
 Smart pointer to MetaLogEntityRange. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< MetaLogEntityRemoveOkLogs
 Smart pointer to MetaLogEntityRemoveOkLogs. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< PhantomRange
 Shared smart pointer to PhantomRange. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< PhantomRangeMap
typedef std::shared_ptr
< QueryCache
 Smart pointer to QueryCache. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< RangeRangePtr
 Smart pointer to Range. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< RangeReplayBuffer
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ScanContext
typedef std::shared_ptr< RangesRangesPtr
 Smart pointer to Ranges. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableInfo
 Smart pointer to TableInfo. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TableInfoMap
 Shared smart pointer to TableInfoMap. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TimerHandler
 Smart pointer to TimerHandler. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< UpdatePipeline
 Smart pointer to UpdatePipeline. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< CommandInterpreter
typedef std::shared_ptr
< CommandShell
typedef std::shared_ptr< NotifierNotifierPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr
< SshSocketHandler
 Smart pointer to SshSocketHandler. More...


 Enumeration for bloom filter modes. More...
enum  Order { RANDOM, ASCENDING }
enum  { KEYSPEC_DELETE_MAX = 4 }


void destruct (char *)
 helper functions which call the destructor of an object; destructor is not called on POD types (using template specialization) More...
void destruct (unsigned char *)
void destruct (short *)
void destruct (unsigned short *)
void destruct (int *)
void destruct (unsigned int *)
void destruct (long *)
void destruct (unsigned long *)
void destruct (long long *)
void destruct (unsigned long long *)
void destruct (float *)
void destruct (double *)
void destruct (long double *)
template<typename T >
void destruct (T *p)
size_t get_align_offset (void *p)
 Convenience function returning a size aligned to 8 or 4 bytes, depending on the system's architecture. More...
void append_as_byte_string (DynamicBuffer &dst_buf, const void *value, uint32_t value_len)
 Serializes and appends a byte array to a DynamicBuffer object. More...
void append_as_byte_string (DynamicBuffer &dst_buf, const char *str)
 Serializes and appends a string to a DynamicBuffer object. More...
uint32_t fletcher32 (const void *data, size_t len)
 Compute fletcher32 checksum for arbitary data. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const crontab_entry &entry)
 Helper function to write crontab_entry to an ostream. More...
template<int N>
void reconstruct_spec (const std::bitset< N > &bits, String &spec)
 Converts binary crontab spec back into string spec. More...
size_t hash_case_cstr (const char *s)
template<class _Key , class _Tp >
bool operator== (const directory_entry< _Key, _Tp > &lhs, const directory_entry< _Key, _Tp > &rhs)
template<class _Key , class _Tp >
bool operator!= (const directory_entry< _Key, _Tp > &lhs, const directory_entry< _Key, _Tp > &rhs)
template<class _Key , class _Tp >
bool operator< (const directory_entry< _Key, _Tp > &lhs, const directory_entry< _Key, _Tp > &rhs)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Compare , class _Allocator >
bool operator== (const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__x, const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__y)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Compare , class _Allocator >
bool operator!= (const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__x, const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__y)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Compare , class _Allocator >
bool operator< (const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__x, const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__y)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Compare , class _Allocator >
bool operator> (const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__x, const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__y)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Compare , class _Allocator >
bool operator>= (const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__x, const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__y)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Compare , class _Allocator >
bool operator<= (const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__x, const directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__y)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Compare , class _Allocator >
void swap (directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__x, directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > &__y) noexcept(noexcept(__x.swap(__y)))
const char * relative_fname (const Exception &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Exception &)
 Global operator to print an Exception to a std::ostream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ExceptionMessageRenderer &r)
 Global helper operator to print an Exception to a std::ostream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ExceptionMessagesRenderer &r)
 Global helper operator to print an Exception to a std::ostream. More...
void escape (String &str, const String &escape_chars)
 Escapes a string. More...
void unescape (String &str)
 Unescapes a string. More...
bool operator< (const Filesystem::Dirent &lhs, const Filesystem::Dirent &rhs)
Filesystem::Flags convert (std::string str)
 Converts string mnemonic to corresponding Filesystem::Flags value. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Endpoint &)
 Stream operator to print an Endpoint structure. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const sockaddr_in &)
 Helper operator for streaming a sockaddr_in structure (or an InetAddr object) More...
uint32_t murmurhash2 (const void *data, size_t len, uint32_t hash)
 The murmurhash2 implementation. More...
template<typename CharT , class PageAlloc >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PageArena< CharT, PageAlloc > &m)
template<typename FunT >
ScopeGuardImpl0< FunT > make_guard (FunT fun)
template<typename FunT , typename P1T >
ScopeGuardImpl1< FunT, P1T > make_guard (FunT fun, P1T p1)
template<typename FunT , typename P1T , typename P2T >
ScopeGuardImpl2< FunT, P1T, P2T > make_guard (FunT fun, P1T p1, P2T p2)
template<typename FunT , typename P1T , typename P2T , typename P3T >
ScopeGuardImpl3< FunT, P1T,
P2T, P3T > 
make_guard (FunT fun, P1T p1, P2T p2, P3T p3)
template<class ObjT , typename MethodT >
ObjScopeGuardImpl0< ObjT, MethodT > make_obj_guard (ObjT &obj, MethodT method)
template<class ObjT , typename MethodT , typename P1T >
ObjScopeGuardImpl1< ObjT,
MethodT, P1T > 
make_obj_guard (ObjT &obj, MethodT method, P1T p1)
template<class ObjT , typename MethodT , typename P1T , typename P2T >
ObjScopeGuardImpl2< ObjT,
MethodT, P1T, P2T > 
make_obj_guard (ObjT &obj, MethodT method, P1T p1, P2T p2)
template<class T >
RefHolder< T > by_ref (T &t)
bool operator< (const StaticBuffer &sb1, const StaticBuffer &sb2)
 "Less than" operator for StaticBuffer; uses memcmp More...
bool operator== (const StaticBuffer &sb1, const StaticBuffer &sb2)
 Equality operator for StaticBuffer; uses memcmp. More...
bool operator!= (const StaticBuffer &sb1, const StaticBuffer &sb2)
 Inequality operator for StaticBuffer. More...
String format (const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(printf
 Returns a String using printf like format facilities Vanilla snprintf is about 1.5x faster than this, which is about: 10x faster than boost::format; 1.5x faster than std::string append (operator+=); 3.5x faster than std::string operator+;. More...
String format_number (int64_t n, int sep= ',')
 Return decimal number string separated by a separator (default: comma) for every 3 digits. More...
String format_bytes (size_t n, const void *buf, size_t len, const char *trailer="...")
 Return first n bytes of buffer with an optional trailer if the size of the buffer exceeds n. More...
template<class SequenceT >
String format_list (const SequenceT &seq, const char *sep=", ")
 Return a string presentation of a sequence. More...
bool strip_enclosing_quotes (const char *input, size_t input_len, const char **output, size_t *output_len)
 Strips enclosing quotes. More...
const char * system_info_lib_version ()
 Returns a descriptive string of the libsigar version. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const CpuInfo &)
 Global operator<< to print a CpuInfo. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const CpuStat &)
 Global operator<< to print a CpuStat. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const MemStat &)
 Global operator<< to print a MemStat. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const DiskStat &)
 Global operator<< to print a DiskStat. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const OsInfo &)
 Global operator<< to print a OsInfo. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const SwapStat &)
 Global operator<< to print a SwapStat. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const NetInfo &)
 Global operator<< to print a NetInfo. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const NetStat &)
 Global operator<< to print a NetStat. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ProcInfo &)
 Global operator<< to print a ProcInfo. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ProcStat &)
 Global operator<< to print a ProcStat. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const FsStat &)
 Global operator<< to print a FsStat. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const TermInfo &)
 Global operator<< to print a TermInfo. More...
size_t tcl_hash (const char *s)
 The Tcl hash by John Ousterhout for null-terminated c-strings, preferably alpha-numeric characters only. More...
size_t tcl_hash (const void *data, size_t len, size_t seed)
 Tcl hash for data with known length. More...
size_t tcl_hash2 (const void *data, size_t len, size_t seed)
 Unrolled Tcl hash, up to 20% faster for longer (> 8 bytes) strings. More...
void print_proc_stat ()
 Prints statistics about the current process. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TestStat &stat)
 Prints a TestStat instance to a stream. More...
template<typename FunT >
void serial_run (FunT fun, size_t n, bool proc_stat=false)
 Runs a test serially n times in a row while accumulating the benchmark results. More...
template<typename FunT >
void parallel_run (FunT fun, size_t n, bool proc_stat=false)
 Runs a test in parallel n times in a row while accumulating the benchmark results. More...
template<typename FunT >
void run_test (FunT fun, bool proc_stat=false, const Properties *props=0)
 Runs a test based on command line parameters: More...
int64_t get_ts64 ()
 Returns the current time in nanoseconds as a 64bit number. More...
ostream & hires_ts (std::ostream &)
 Prints the current time as seconds and nanoseconds, delimited by '.'. More...
int64_t parse_ts (const char *ts)
 Inline function which parses a string with a timestamp in localtime and returns a 64bit nanosecond timestamp. More...
const char * version_string ()
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BalancePlan &plan)
bool operator== (const BlockHeader &lhs, const BlockHeader &rhs)
 Equality operator for BlockHeader type. More...
bool operator== (const BlockHeaderCellStore &lhs, const BlockHeaderCellStore &rhs)
 Equality operator for BlockHeaderCellStore type. More...
bool operator== (const BlockHeaderCommitLog &lhs, const BlockHeaderCommitLog &rhs)
 Equality operator for BlockHeaderCommitLog type. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Cell &cell)
int32_t random_int32 (int32_t maximum)
 Generate random 32-bit integer. More...
void random_generator_set_seed (unsigned seed)
 Sets random number generator seed. More...
void random_fill_with_chars (char *buf, size_t len, const char *charset=nullptr)
 Fills a buffer with random values from a set of characters. More...
bool operator< (const KeySpec &lhs, const KeySpec &rhs)
void create_key_and_append (DynamicBuffer &dst_buf, const Key &key, bool time_order_asc)
void create_key_and_append (DynamicBuffer &dst_buf, uint8_t flag, const char *row, uint8_t column_family_code, const char *column_qualifier, int64_t timestamp, int64_t revision, bool time_order_asc)
void create_key_and_append (DynamicBuffer &dst_buf, const char *row, bool time_order_asc)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Key &key)
 Prints a one-line representation of the key to the given ostream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SerializedKey &serkey)
 Prints a one-line representation of the key to the given ostream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const KeySpec &cell)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, BalancePlan *plan)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, TableIdentifier *tid)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, TableIdentifierManaged *tid)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, RangeSpec *spec)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, RangeSpecManaged *spec)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, QualifiedRangeSpec *spec)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, RangeMoveSpec *spec)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, RangeState *state)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, RangeStateManaged *state)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, FragmentReplayPlan *plan)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, ReplayPlan *plan)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, ServerReceiverPlan *plan)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, ReceiverPlan *plan)
void legacy_decode (const uint8_t **bufp, size_t *remainp, Plan *plan)
bool operator< (const LocationCacheKey &x, const LocationCacheKey &y)
 Less than operator for LocationCacheKey. More...
bool operator== (const LocationCacheKey &x, const LocationCacheKey &y)
 Equality operator for LocationCacheKey. More...
bool operator!= (const LocationCacheKey &x, const LocationCacheKey &y)
 Equality operator for LocationCacheKey. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const QualifiedRangeSpec &qualified_range)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const QualifiedRangeSpecManaged &qualified_range)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RangeMoveSpec &move_spec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RangeSpec &range)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RangeState &st)
 ostream shift function for RangeState objects. More...
bool operator== (const SerializedKey sk1, const SerializedKey sk2)
bool operator!= (const SerializedKey sk1, const SerializedKey sk2)
bool operator< (const SerializedKey sk1, const SerializedKey sk2)
bool operator<= (const SerializedKey sk1, const SerializedKey sk2)
bool operator> (const SerializedKey sk1, const SerializedKey sk2)
bool operator>= (const SerializedKey sk1, const SerializedKey sk2)
void copy (TableDumper &, CellsBuilder &)
void copy (TableDumperPtr &p, CellsBuilder &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TableIdentifier &tid)
void copy (TableScanner &scanner, CellsBuilder &b)
void copy (TableScannerPtr &p, CellsBuilder &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TableSplit &ts)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BalanceAlgorithmLoad::ServerMetricSummary &summary)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BalanceAlgorithmLoad::RangeMetricSummary &summary)
void reenable_balancer (LoadBalancer *balancer)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const AccessGroup::MaintenanceData &mdata)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, CellStoreTrailer &trailer)
 ostream shift function for CellStoreTrailer objects More...
bool FillScanBlock (MergeScannerRangePtr &scanner, DynamicBuffer &dbuf, uint32_t *cell_count, int64_t buffer_size)
 Fills a block of scan results to be sent back to client. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Range::MaintenanceData &mdata)
bool operator< (const RangeInfo &lhs, const RangeInfo &rhs)
 Less than operator for RangeInfo objects. More...


char const *const digits = "0123456789"
const int version_major = HT_VERSION_MAJOR
const int version_minor = HT_VERSION_MINOR
const int version_micro = HT_VERSION_MICRO
const int version_patch = HT_VERSION_PATCH
const std::string version_misc_suffix = HT_VERSION_MISC_SUFFIX
static const char * tmp_schema_outer
static const char * tmp_schema_inner
static const int64_t TIMESTAMP_MIN = INT64_MIN
static const int64_t TIMESTAMP_MAX = INT64_MAX
static const int64_t TIMESTAMP_NULL = INT64_MIN + 1
static const int64_t TIMESTAMP_AUTO = INT64_MIN + 2
static const int64_t AUTO_ASSIGN = INT64_MIN + 2
static const uint32_t FLAG_DELETE_ROW = 0x00
static const uint32_t FLAG_DELETE_COLUMN_FAMILY = 0x01
static const uint32_t FLAG_DELETE_CELL = 0x02
static const uint32_t FLAG_DELETE_CELL_VERSION = 0x03
static const uint32_t FLAG_INSERT = 0xFF

Detailed Description

Hypertable definitions

Forward declarations.

-*- c++ -*- Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc.

Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc.

-*- C++ -*- Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc.

Provides selected metaprogramming facilities in the Meta namespace.

This file is part of Hypertable.

Hypertable is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License.

Hypertable is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

This file is part of Hypertable.

Hypertable is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License, or any later version.

Hypertable is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

This file is part of Hypertable.

Hypertable is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

Hypertable is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

This file is part of Hypertable.

Hypertable is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

Hypertable is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Hypertable. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 39 of file BalanceAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 36 of file Cells.h.

Definition at line 32 of file CellCacheAllocator.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<CellCache> Hypertable::CellCachePtr

Shared smart pointer to CellCache.

Definition at line 163 of file CellCache.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr< CellListScanner > Hypertable::CellListScannerPtr

Definition at line 35 of file CellList.h.

typedef std::vector<Cell, CellAlloc> Hypertable::Cells

Definition at line 37 of file Cells.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<CellsBuilder> Hypertable::CellsBuilderPtr

Smart pointer to CellsBuilder.

Definition at line 137 of file Cells.h.

typedef boost::shared_array<const char> Hypertable::CharPtr

Definition at line 33 of file TestData.h.

Definition at line 54 of file CommandInterpreter.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<CommandShell> Hypertable::CommandShellPtr

Definition at line 91 of file CommandShell.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<CommitLogBase> Hypertable::CommitLogBasePtr

Definition at line 133 of file CommitLogBase.h.

Definition at line 33 of file GcWorker.h.

Definition at line 44 of file DispatchHandlerOperationAlterTable.h.

Definition at line 43 of file DispatchHandlerOperationDropTable.h.

Definition at line 48 of file DispatchHandlerOperationGetStatistics.h.

typedef std::pair<Cell, int> Hypertable::FailedMutation

Definition at line 38 of file Cells.h.

Definition at line 39 of file Cells.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<String, uint32_t> Hypertable::FileRefCountMap

Definition at line 36 of file LiveFileTracker.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<Future> Hypertable::FuturePtr

Definition at line 152 of file Future.h.

Shared smart pointer to GroupCommitTimerHandler.

Definition at line 56 of file GroupCommitTimerHandler.h.

Smart pointer to HqlInterpreter.

Definition at line 153 of file HqlInterpreter.h.

Definition at line 220 of file IndexMutatorCallback.h.

Smart pointer to IntervalScannerAsync.

Definition at line 133 of file IntervalScannerAsync.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<KeyCompressor> Hypertable::KeyCompressorPtr

Definition at line 45 of file KeyCompressor.h.

Definition at line 44 of file CellCache.h.

Smart pointer to LoadDataSource.

Definition at line 154 of file LoadDataSource.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<LocationCache> Hypertable::LocationCachePtr

Smart pointer to LocationCache.

Definition at line 142 of file LocationCache.h.

Definition at line 77 of file CommitLogBase.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<Monitoring> Hypertable::MonitoringPtr

Definition at line 175 of file Monitoring.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<NameIdMapper> Hypertable::NameIdMapperPtr

Smart pointer to NameIdMapper.

Definition at line 121 of file NameIdMapper.h.

Smart pointer to NamespaceCache.

Definition at line 82 of file NamespaceCache.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<Notifier> Hypertable::NotifierPtr

Definition at line 77 of file Notifier.h.

Definition at line 73 of file OperationMoveRange.h.

Definition at line 102 of file PhantomRangeMap.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<RangeLocator> Hypertable::RangeLocatorPtr

Smart pointer to RangeLocator.

Definition at line 198 of file RangeLocator.h.

Definition at line 60 of file RangeReplayBuffer.h.

Definition at line 142 of file RangeServerConnectionManager.h.

Definition at line 116 of file RangeServerConnection.h.

Definition at line 153 of file RecoveryStepFuture.h.

Shared smart pointer to ResultCallback.

Definition at line 158 of file ResultCallback.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<Result> Hypertable::ResultPtr

Smart pointer to Result.

Definition at line 72 of file Result.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<ScanContext> Hypertable::ScanContextPtr

Definition at line 169 of file ScanContext.h.

Smart pointer to StatsRangeServer.

Definition at line 103 of file StatsRangeServer.h.

typedef std::map<const char*, StatsTable *, LtCstr> Hypertable::StatsTableMap

Definition at line 40 of file StatsRangeServer.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<TableCache> Hypertable::TableCachePtr

Smart pointer to TableCache.

Definition at line 103 of file TableCache.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<TableDumper> Hypertable::TableDumperPtr

Smart pointer to TableDumper.

Definition at line 68 of file TableDumper.h.

Definition at line 46 of file TableMutatorAsync.h.

Smart pointer to TableMutatorAsyncScatterBuffer.

Definition at line 59 of file TableMutatorAsyncScatterBuffer.h.

Smart pointer to TableMutatorAsyncSendBuffer.

Definition at line 125 of file TableMutatorAsyncSendBuffer.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<TableMutator> Hypertable::TableMutatorPtr

Smart pointer to TableMutator.

Definition at line 257 of file TableMutator.h.

Shared smart pointer to TableMutatorQueue.

Definition at line 81 of file TableMutatorQueue.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<Table> Hypertable::TablePtr

Definition at line 53 of file Table.h.

Shared smart pointer to TableScannerQueue.

Definition at line 124 of file TableScannerQueue.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 44 of file KeySpec.h.

anonymous enum

Definition at line 44 of file LoadDataSource.h.


Definition at line 52 of file DataGeneratorRowComponent.h.


Definition at line 50 of file DataGeneratorRowComponent.h.

Function Documentation

void Hypertable::copy ( TableDumper dumper,
CellsBuilder b 

Definition at line 129 of file TableDumper.cc.

void Hypertable::copy ( TableDumperPtr p,
CellsBuilder v 

Definition at line 71 of file TableDumper.h.

void Hypertable::create_key_and_append ( DynamicBuffer dst_buf,
const Key key,
bool  time_order_asc 

Definition at line 105 of file Key.cc.

void Hypertable::create_key_and_append ( DynamicBuffer dst_buf,
uint8_t  flag,
const char *  row,
uint8_t  column_family_code,
const char *  column_qualifier,
int64_t  timestamp,
int64_t  revision,
bool  time_order_asc 

Definition at line 120 of file Key.cc.

void Hypertable::create_key_and_append ( DynamicBuffer dst_buf,
const char *  row,
bool  time_order_asc 

Definition at line 136 of file Key.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
BalancePlan plan 

Definition at line 33 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
TableIdentifier tid 

Definition at line 47 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
TableIdentifierManaged tid 

Definition at line 65 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
RangeSpec spec 

Definition at line 70 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
RangeSpecManaged spec 

Definition at line 76 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
QualifiedRangeSpec spec 

Definition at line 81 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
RangeMoveSpec spec 

Definition at line 86 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
RangeState state 

Definition at line 101 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
RangeStateManaged state 

Definition at line 120 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
FragmentReplayPlan plan 

Definition at line 125 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
ReplayPlan plan 

Definition at line 130 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
ServerReceiverPlan plan 

Definition at line 139 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
ReceiverPlan plan 

Definition at line 145 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

void Hypertable::legacy_decode ( const uint8_t **  bufp,
size_t *  remainp,
Plan plan 

Definition at line 156 of file LegacyDecoder.cc.

bool Hypertable::operator!= ( const SerializedKey  sk1,
const SerializedKey  sk2 

Definition at line 64 of file SerializedKey.h.

bool Hypertable::operator!= ( const LocationCacheKey x,
const LocationCacheKey y 

Equality operator for LocationCacheKey.

Definition at line 77 of file LocationCache.h.

bool Hypertable::operator< ( const LocationCacheKey x,
const LocationCacheKey y 

Less than operator for LocationCacheKey.

Definition at line 50 of file LocationCache.h.

bool Hypertable::operator< ( const SerializedKey  sk1,
const SerializedKey  sk2 

Definition at line 68 of file SerializedKey.h.

bool Hypertable::operator< ( const KeySpec lhs,
const KeySpec rhs 

Definition at line 963 of file IndexScannerCallback.h.

std::ostream & Hypertable::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const KeySpec &  cell 

Definition at line 27 of file KeySpec.cc.

std::ostream & Hypertable::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Cell &  cell 

Definition at line 28 of file Cell.cc.

std::ostream & Hypertable::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const TableSplit ts 

Definition at line 32 of file TableSplit.cc.

std::ostream& Hypertable::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
CellStoreTrailer &  trailer 

ostream shift function for CellStoreTrailer objects

Definition at line 86 of file CellStoreTrailer.h.

std::ostream& Hypertable::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const BalanceAlgorithmLoad::ServerMetricSummary summary 
std::ostream& Hypertable::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const BalanceAlgorithmLoad::RangeMetricSummary summary 
std::ostream& Hypertable::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SerializedKey &  serkey 

Prints a one-line representation of the key to the given ostream.

Definition at line 152 of file Key.h.

std::ostream & Hypertable::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Key key 

Prints a one-line representation of the key to the given ostream.

osoutput stream to print key to
keythe key to print
the output stream

Definition at line 228 of file Key.cc.

std::ostream & Hypertable::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Endpoint e 

Stream operator to print an Endpoint structure.

Definition at line 320 of file InetAddr.cc.

std::ostream & Hypertable::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const sockaddr_in &  a 

Helper operator for streaming a sockaddr_in structure (or an InetAddr object)

Definition at line 325 of file InetAddr.cc.

bool Hypertable::operator<= ( const SerializedKey  sk1,
const SerializedKey  sk2 

Definition at line 72 of file SerializedKey.h.

bool Hypertable::operator== ( const SerializedKey  sk1,
const SerializedKey  sk2 

Definition at line 60 of file SerializedKey.h.

bool Hypertable::operator== ( const LocationCacheKey x,
const LocationCacheKey y 

Equality operator for LocationCacheKey.

Definition at line 64 of file LocationCache.h.

bool Hypertable::operator> ( const SerializedKey  sk1,
const SerializedKey  sk2 

Definition at line 76 of file SerializedKey.h.

bool Hypertable::operator>= ( const SerializedKey  sk1,
const SerializedKey  sk2 

Definition at line 80 of file SerializedKey.h.

void Hypertable::reenable_balancer ( LoadBalancer balancer)

Definition at line 174 of file LoadBalancer.cc.

const char* Hypertable::relative_fname ( const Exception e)

Definition at line 356 of file Error.cc.

const char* Hypertable::version_string ( )

Definition at line 37 of file Version.cc.

Variable Documentation

const int64_t Hypertable::AUTO_ASSIGN = INT64_MIN + 2

Definition at line 38 of file KeySpec.h.

char const* const Hypertable::digits = "0123456789"

Definition at line 71 of file String.cc.

const uint32_t Hypertable::FLAG_DELETE_CELL = 0x02

Definition at line 42 of file KeySpec.h.

const uint32_t Hypertable::FLAG_DELETE_CELL_VERSION = 0x03

Definition at line 43 of file KeySpec.h.

const uint32_t Hypertable::FLAG_DELETE_COLUMN_FAMILY = 0x01

Definition at line 41 of file KeySpec.h.

const uint32_t Hypertable::FLAG_DELETE_ROW = 0x00

Definition at line 40 of file KeySpec.h.

const uint32_t Hypertable::FLAG_INSERT = 0xFF

Definition at line 47 of file KeySpec.h.

const int64_t Hypertable::TIMESTAMP_AUTO = INT64_MIN + 2

Definition at line 37 of file KeySpec.h.

const int64_t Hypertable::TIMESTAMP_MAX = INT64_MAX

Definition at line 35 of file KeySpec.h.

const int64_t Hypertable::TIMESTAMP_MIN = INT64_MIN

Definition at line 34 of file KeySpec.h.

const int64_t Hypertable::TIMESTAMP_NULL = INT64_MIN + 1

Definition at line 36 of file KeySpec.h.

const char* Hypertable::tmp_schema_inner
Initial value:

Definition at line 76 of file IndexScannerCallback.h.

const char* Hypertable::tmp_schema_outer
Initial value:
"<AccessGroup name=\"default\">"

Definition at line 69 of file IndexScannerCallback.h.

const int Hypertable::version_major = HT_VERSION_MAJOR

Definition at line 31 of file Version.cc.

const int Hypertable::version_micro = HT_VERSION_MICRO

Definition at line 33 of file Version.cc.

const int Hypertable::version_minor = HT_VERSION_MINOR

Definition at line 32 of file Version.cc.

const std::string Hypertable::version_misc_suffix = HT_VERSION_MISC_SUFFIX

Definition at line 35 of file Version.cc.

const int Hypertable::version_patch = HT_VERSION_PATCH

Definition at line 34 of file Version.cc.