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Network communication library. More...


 Polling event constants (mechanism-independent).


class  Hypertable::ApplicationHandler
 Base clase for application handlers. More...
class  Hypertable::ApplicationQueue
 Application queue. More...
class  Hypertable::ApplicationQueue::GroupState
 Tracks group execution state. More...
class  Hypertable::ApplicationQueue::RequestRec
 Request record. More...
class  Hypertable::ApplicationQueue::ApplicationQueueState
 Application queue state shared among worker threads. More...
class  Hypertable::ApplicationQueue::Worker
 Application queue worker thread function (functor) More...
class  Hypertable::ApplicationQueueInterface
 Abstract interface for application queue. More...
class  Hypertable::Comm
 Entry point to AsyncComm service. More...
class  Hypertable::CommAddress
 Address abstraction to hold either proxy name or IPv4:port address. More...
class  Hypertable::CommAddressHash
 Hash function (functor) for CommAddress objets. More...
class  Hypertable::CommAddressMap< TypeT, addr >
 Parameterized hash map for mapping CommAddress to arbitrary type. More...
class  Hypertable::CommBuf
 Message buffer for holding data to be transmitted over a network. More...
class  Hypertable::CommHeader
 Header for messages transmitted via AsyncComm. More...
struct  Hypertable::Config::CommPolicy
 Config policy for Comm layer. More...
struct  Hypertable::Config::GenericServerPolicy
 Config policy for generic Comm layer server. More...
class  Hypertable::ConnectionHandlerFactory
 Abstract class for creating default application dispatch handlers. More...
class  Hypertable::ConnectionInitializer
 Driver interface for connection initialization handshake in ConnectionManager. More...
class  Hypertable::ConnectionManager
 Establishes and maintains a set of TCP connections. More...
class  Hypertable::ConnectionManager::ConnectionState
 Per-connection state. More...
struct  Hypertable::ConnectionManager::LtConnectionState
 StringWeakOrdering for connection retry heap. More...
class  Hypertable::ConnectionManager::SharedImpl
 Connection manager state shared between Connection manager objects. More...
class  Hypertable::DispatchHandler
 Abstract base class for application dispatch handlers registered with AsyncComm. More...
class  Hypertable::DispatchHandlerSynchronizer
 DispatchHandler class used to synchronize with response messages. More...
class  Hypertable::Event
 Network communication event. More...
struct  Hypertable::ExpireTimer
 State record for timer. More...
struct  Hypertable::LtTimerHeap
 Comparison function (functor) for timer heap. More...
class  Hypertable::HandlerMap
 Data structure for mapping socket addresses to I/O handlers. More...
class  Hypertable::IOHandler
 Base class for socket descriptor I/O handlers. More...
class  Hypertable::IOHandlerAccept
 I/O handler for accept (listen) sockets. More...
class  Hypertable::IOHandlerData
 I/O handler for TCP sockets. More...
class  Hypertable::IOHandlerDatagram
 I/O handler for datagram (UDP) sockets. More...
class  Hypertable::IOHandlerRaw
 I/O handler for raw sockets. More...
class  Hypertable::PollTimeout
 Maintains next timeout for event polling loop. More...
class  Hypertable::Protocol
 Abstract base class for server protocol drivers. More...
class  Hypertable::ProxyAddressInfo
 Holds address and hostname associated with a proxy name. More...
class  Hypertable::ProxyMap
 Maps a set of proxy names to their associated IP addresses. More...
class  Hypertable::RawSocketHandler
 Abstract base class for application raw socket handlers registered with AsyncComm. More...
struct  Hypertable::PollDescriptorT
 Socket descriptor poll state for use with POSIX poll() More...
class  Hypertable::Reactor
 Manages reactor (polling thread) state including poll interest, request cache, and timers. More...
class  Hypertable::ReactorFactory
 Static class used to setup and manage I/O reactors. More...
class  Hypertable::ReactorRunner
 Thread functor class for reacting to I/O events. More...
class  Hypertable::RequestCache
 Class used to hold pending request callback handlers. More...
class  Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode
 Internal cache node structure. More...
class  Hypertable::ResponseCallback
 This class is used to generate and deliver standard responses back to a client. More...


typedef std::shared_ptr
< ApplicationQueue
 Shared smart pointer to ApplicationQueue object. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ApplicationQueueInterface > 
 Smart pointer to ApplicationQueueInterface. More...
typedef std::chrono::fast_clock Hypertable::ClockT
 Clock used for AsyncComm timing needs. More...
typedef std::set< CommAddress > Hypertable::CommAddressSet
 Set of CommAddress objects. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< CommBuf > Hypertable::CommBufPtr
 Smart pointer to CommBuf. More...
typedef Cons< DefaultPolicy,
CommPolicy > 
 Default comm layer config policy. More...
typedef Cons
< GenericServerPolicy,
DefaultCommPolicy > 
 Default comm layer server policy. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ConnectionHandlerFactory > 
 Smart pointer to ConnectionHandlerFactory. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ConnectionInitializer > 
 Smart pointer to ConnectionInitializer. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< ConnectionManager > 
 Smart pointer to ConnectionManager. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DispatchHandler > 
 Smart pointer to DispatchHandler. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< DispatchHandlerSynchronizer > 
 Shared smart pointer to DispatchHandlerSynchronizer. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< Event > Hypertable::EventPtr
 Smart pointer to Event. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< HandlerMap > 
 Smart pointer to HandlerMap. More...
typedef std::unordered_map
< String, ProxyAddressInfo > 
 Forward mapping hash type from proxy name to ProxyAddressInfo. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< Reactor > Hypertable::ReactorPtr
 Shared smart pointer to Reactor. More...
typedef std::unordered_map
< uint32_t, CacheNode * > 
 RequestID-to-CacheNode map. More...


enum  Hypertable::CommAddress::AddressType { Hypertable::CommAddress::NONE =0, Hypertable::CommAddress::PROXY, Hypertable::CommAddress::INET }
 Enumeration for address type. More...
enum  Hypertable::CommHeader::Flags {
  Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_BIT_REQUEST = 0x0001, Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_BIT_IGNORE_RESPONSE = 0x0002, Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_BIT_URGENT = 0x0004, Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_BIT_PROFILE = 0x0008,
  Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_BIT_PROXY_MAP_UPDATE = 0x4000, Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_BIT_PAYLOAD_CHECKSUM = 0x8000
 Enumeration constants for bits in flags field. More...
enum  Hypertable::CommHeader::FlagMask {
  Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_MASK_REQUEST = 0xFFFE, Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_MASK_IGNORE_RESPONSE = 0xFFFD, Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_MASK_URGENT = 0xFFFB, Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_MASK_PROFILE = 0xFFF7,
  Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_MASK_PROXY_MAP_UPDATE = 0xBFFF, Hypertable::CommHeader::FLAGS_MASK_PAYLOAD_CHECKSUM = 0x7FFF
 Enumeration constants for flags field bitmaks. More...
enum  Hypertable::ConnectionManager::State { Hypertable::ConnectionManager::State::DISCONNECTED = 0, Hypertable::ConnectionManager::State::CONNECTED, Hypertable::ConnectionManager::State::READY, Hypertable::ConnectionManager::State::DECOMMISSIONED }
enum  Hypertable::Event::Type {
  Hypertable::Event::CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED, Hypertable::Event::DISCONNECT, Hypertable::Event::MESSAGE, Hypertable::Event::ERROR,
 Enumeration for event types. More...
enum  Hypertable::PollEvent::Flags {
  Hypertable::PollEvent::READ = 0x01, Hypertable::PollEvent::PRI = 0x02, Hypertable::PollEvent::WRITE = 0x04, Hypertable::PollEvent::ERROR = 0x08,
  Hypertable::PollEvent::HUP = 0x10, Hypertable::PollEvent::REMOVE = 0x1000, Hypertable::PollEvent::RDHUP = 0x2000
 Enumeration for poll interest constants. More...
enum  Hypertable::Reactor::Priority { Hypertable::Reactor::Priority::HIGH = 0, Hypertable::Reactor::Priority::NORMAL }
 Enumeration for reactor priority. More...


void Hypertable::Config::init_comm_options ()
 Initializes Comm-layer options. More...
void Hypertable::Config::init_comm ()
 This method initializes the Comm-layer. More...
void Hypertable::Config::init_generic_server_options ()
 Initializes generic server options. More...
void Hypertable::Config::init_generic_server ()
 Initializes generic server by writing the pidfile. More...
 Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::CacheNode (uint32_t id, IOHandler *handler, DispatchHandler *dh)
 Hypertable::RequestCache::RequestCache ()
 Constructor. More...
void Hypertable::RequestCache::insert (uint32_t id, IOHandler *handler, DispatchHandler *dh, ClockT::time_point &expire)
 Inserts pending request callback handler into cache. More...
bool Hypertable::RequestCache::remove (uint32_t id, DispatchHandler *&handler)
 Removes a request from the cache. More...
bool Hypertable::RequestCache::get_next_timeout (ClockT::time_point &now, IOHandler *&handlerp, DispatchHandler *&dh, ClockT::time_point *next_timeout)
 Removes next request that has timed out. More...
void Hypertable::RequestCache::purge_requests (IOHandler *handler, int32_t error)
 Purges all requests assocated with handler. More...


CacheNode * Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::prev
CacheNode * Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::next
 Doubly-linked list pointers. More...
ClockT::time_point Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::expire
 Absolute expiration time. More...
uint32_t Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::id
 Request ID. More...
IOHandler * Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::handler
 IOHandler associated with this request. More...
DispatchHandler * Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::dh
 Callback handler to which MESSAGE, TIMEOUT, ERROR, and DISCONNECT events are delivered. More...
IdHandlerMap Hypertable::RequestCache::m_id_map
 RequestID-to-CacheNode map. More...
CacheNode * Hypertable::RequestCache::m_head
 Head of doubly-linked list. More...
CacheNode * Hypertable::RequestCache::m_tail {}
 Tail of doubly-linked list. More...

Detailed Description

Network communication library.

The AsyncComm module is designed for maximally efficient network programming by 1) providing an asynchronous API to facilitate multiprogramming, and 2) using the most efficient polling mechanism for each supported system (epoll on Linux, kqueue on OSX and FreeBSD, and port_associate on Solaris).

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::shared_ptr<ApplicationQueueInterface> Hypertable::ApplicationQueueInterfacePtr

Smart pointer to ApplicationQueueInterface.

Definition at line 60 of file ApplicationQueueInterface.h.

Shared smart pointer to ApplicationQueue object.

Definition at line 488 of file ApplicationQueue.h.

Clock used for AsyncComm timing needs.

Definition at line 38 of file Clock.h.

typedef std::set<CommAddress> Hypertable::CommAddressSet

Set of CommAddress objects.

Definition at line 212 of file CommAddress.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<CommBuf> Hypertable::CommBufPtr

Smart pointer to CommBuf.

Definition at line 305 of file CommBuf.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<ConnectionHandlerFactory> Hypertable::ConnectionHandlerFactoryPtr

Smart pointer to ConnectionHandlerFactory.

Definition at line 53 of file ConnectionHandlerFactory.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<ConnectionInitializer> Hypertable::ConnectionInitializerPtr

Smart pointer to ConnectionInitializer.

Definition at line 67 of file ConnectionInitializer.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<ConnectionManager> Hypertable::ConnectionManagerPtr

Smart pointer to ConnectionManager.

Definition at line 410 of file ConnectionManager.h.

typedef Cons<DefaultPolicy, CommPolicy> Hypertable::Config::DefaultCommPolicy

Default comm layer config policy.

Definition at line 84 of file Config.h.

typedef Cons<GenericServerPolicy, DefaultCommPolicy> Hypertable::Config::DefaultServerPolicy

Default comm layer server policy.

Definition at line 87 of file Config.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<DispatchHandler> Hypertable::DispatchHandlerPtr

Smart pointer to DispatchHandler.

Definition at line 64 of file DispatchHandler.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<DispatchHandlerSynchronizer> Hypertable::DispatchHandlerSynchronizerPtr

Shared smart pointer to DispatchHandlerSynchronizer.

Definition at line 127 of file DispatchHandlerSynchronizer.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<Event> Hypertable::EventPtr

Smart pointer to Event.

Definition at line 228 of file Event.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<HandlerMap> Hypertable::HandlerMapPtr

Smart pointer to HandlerMap.

Definition at line 437 of file HandlerMap.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<uint32_t, CacheNode *> Hypertable::RequestCache::IdHandlerMap

RequestID-to-CacheNode map.

Definition at line 68 of file RequestCache.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<String, ProxyAddressInfo> Hypertable::ProxyMapT

Forward mapping hash type from proxy name to ProxyAddressInfo.

Definition at line 57 of file ProxyMap.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<Reactor> Hypertable::ReactorPtr

Shared smart pointer to Reactor.

Definition at line 295 of file Reactor.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumeration for address type.




Proxy name type.


IPv4:port address type.

Definition at line 57 of file CommAddress.h.

Enumeration constants for flags field bitmaks.


Request message bit.


Response should be ignored bit.


Request is urgent bit.


Request should be profiled.


ProxyMap update message bit.


Payload checksumming is enabled bit.

Definition at line 61 of file CommHeader.h.

Enumeration for poll interest constants.


Data available to read.


Urgent data available to read.


Writing can be performed without blocking.


Error condition


Hang up.


Stream socket peer closed connection.

Definition at line 40 of file PollEvent.h.

Enumeration constants for bits in flags field.


Request message.


Response should be ignored.


Request is urgent.


Request should be profiled.


ProxyMap update message.


Payload checksumming is enabled.

Definition at line 50 of file CommHeader.h.

Enumeration for reactor priority.


Definition at line 73 of file Reactor.h.


Definition at line 62 of file ConnectionManager.h.

Enumeration for event types.


Connection established event.


Connection disconnected event.


Request/response message event.


Error event


Timer event

Definition at line 60 of file Event.h.

Function Documentation

Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::CacheNode ( uint32_t  id,
IOHandler handler,
DispatchHandler dh 

Definition at line 56 of file RequestCache.h.

bool RequestCache::get_next_timeout ( ClockT::time_point now,
IOHandler *&  handlerp,
DispatchHandler *&  dh,
ClockT::time_point next_timeout 

Removes next request that has timed out.

This method finds the first request starting from the head of the list and removes it and returns it's associated handler information if it has timed out. During the search, it physically removes any cache nodes corresponding to requests that have been purged.

nowCurrent time
handlerpReturn parameter to hold pointer to associated IOHandler of timed out request
dhRemoved dispatch handler
next_timeoutPointer to variable to hold expiration time of next request after timed out request, set to 0 if cache is empty
true if pointer to timed out dispatch handler was removed, false otherwise

Definition at line 103 of file RequestCache.cc.

void Hypertable::Config::init_comm ( )

This method initializes the Comm-layer.

It determines the reactor count from the reactors property, if specified, otherwise sets the reactor count to the number of CPU cores as returned by System::get_processor_count(). It then calls ReactorFactory::initialize.

Definition at line 44 of file Config.cc.

void Hypertable::Config::init_comm_options ( )

Initializes Comm-layer options.

This method adds the following options:

  • workers
  • reactors
  • timeout (aliased to Hypertable.Request.Timeout)

Definition at line 36 of file Config.cc.

void Hypertable::Config::init_generic_server ( )

Initializes generic server by writing the pidfile.

Definition at line 65 of file Config.cc.

void Hypertable::Config::init_generic_server_options ( )

Initializes generic server options.

This method adds the following options:

  • port
  • pidfile

Definition at line 58 of file Config.cc.

void RequestCache::insert ( uint32_t  id,
IOHandler handler,
DispatchHandler dh,
ClockT::time_point expire 

Inserts pending request callback handler into cache.

idRequest ID
handlerIOHandler associated with
dhCallback handler to which MESSAGE, TIMEOUT, DISCONNECT events are delivered
expireAbsolute expiration time of request

Definition at line 43 of file RequestCache.cc.

void RequestCache::purge_requests ( IOHandler handler,
int32_t  error 

Purges all requests assocated with handler.

This method walks the entire cache and purges all requests whose handler is equal to handler. For each purged request, an ERROR event with error code error is delivered via the request's dispatch handler.

handlerIOHandler of requests to purge
errorError code to be delivered with ERROR event

Definition at line 140 of file RequestCache.cc.

bool RequestCache::remove ( uint32_t  id,
DispatchHandler *&  handler 

Removes a request from the cache.

idRequest ID
handlerRemoved dispatch handler
true if removed, false if not found

Definition at line 70 of file RequestCache.cc.

Hypertable::RequestCache::RequestCache ( )


Definition at line 73 of file RequestCache.h.

Variable Documentation

DispatchHandler* Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::dh

Callback handler to which MESSAGE, TIMEOUT, ERROR, and DISCONNECT events are delivered.

Definition at line 64 of file RequestCache.h.

ClockT::time_point Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::expire

Absolute expiration time.

Definition at line 59 of file RequestCache.h.

IOHandler* Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::handler

IOHandler associated with this request.

Definition at line 61 of file RequestCache.h.

uint32_t Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::id

Request ID.

Definition at line 60 of file RequestCache.h.

CacheNode* Hypertable::RequestCache::m_head

Head of doubly-linked list.

Definition at line 122 of file RequestCache.h.

IdHandlerMap Hypertable::RequestCache::m_id_map

RequestID-to-CacheNode map.

Definition at line 121 of file RequestCache.h.

CacheNode* Hypertable::RequestCache::m_tail {}

Tail of doubly-linked list.

Definition at line 123 of file RequestCache.h.

CacheNode * Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::next

Doubly-linked list pointers.

Definition at line 58 of file RequestCache.h.

CacheNode* Hypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode::prev

Definition at line 58 of file RequestCache.h.