CHypertable::__detail::__any | |
CHypertable::__directory_iterator< _Tp, _NodePtr, _DiffType > | |
CHypertable::__directory_node_internal< _Value, _Compare, _Allocator > | |
CHypertable::__detail::__nat | |
CHypertable::__directory_iterator< _Tp, _NodePtr, _DiffType >::__subdirectory_iterator | |
CHypertable::__detail::__swappable< _Tp > | |
CHypertable::Hql::access_group_add_column_family | |
CHypertable::AccessGroup | Access group |
CHypertable::AccessGroupGarbageTracker | Tracks access group garbage and signals when collection is needed |
CHypertable::AccessGroupHintsFile | Reads and writes access group "hints" file |
CHypertable::AccessGroupOptions | Specification for access group options |
CHypertable::AccessGroupSpec | Access group specification |
CHypertable::RangeMaintenanceGuard::Activator | |
CHypertable::Hql::add_column | |
CHypertable::Hql::add_insert_value | |
CHypertable::Hql::add_range_move_spec | |
CHypertable::MetadataNormal::AgMetadata | |
►CHypertable::AllocatorBase< T > | Base classes for all Allocator classes |
►CHypertable::ArenaAllocatorBase< T, ArenaT > | Specialized Allocator class using a Memory Arena which manages the allocated memory; see PageArenaAllocator.h for an actual implementation |
CHypertable::PageArenaAllocator< T, ArenaT > | The PageArenaAllocator is a STL allocator based on PageArena |
CHypertable::AllocatorBase< void > | Disallow AllocatorBase for the type 'void' by generating a compiler error if it's used |
CHypertable::ApacheLogEntry | |
CHypertable::ApacheLogParser | |
►CHypertable::ApplicationHandler | Base clase for application handlers |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerAttrDel | Unmarshalls request parameters and calls Master::attr_del() |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerAttrExists | Unmarshalls request parameters and calls Master::attr_exists() |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerAttrGet | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerAttrIncr | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerAttrList | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerAttrSet | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerClose | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerDelete | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerDestroySession | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerDoMaintenance | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerExists | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerExpireSessions | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerHandshake | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerLock | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerMkdir | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerOpen | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerReaddir | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerReaddirAttr | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerReadpathAttr | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerRelease | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerRenewSession | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerShutdown | |
CHyperspace::RequestHandlerStatus | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Append | Application handler for append function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Close | Application handler for close function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Create | Application handler for create function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Debug | Application handler for debug function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Exists | Application handler for exists function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Flush | Application handler for flush function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Length | Application handler for length function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Mkdirs | Application handler for mkdirs function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Open | Application handler for open function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Pread | Application handler for pread function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Read | Application handler for read function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Readdir | Application handler for readdir function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Remove | Application handler for remove function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Rename | Application handler for rename function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Rmdir | Application handler for rmdir function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Seek | Application handler for seek function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Status | Application handler for status function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Sync | Application handler for sync function |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::EventHandlerMasterChange | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::AcknowledgeLoad | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::CommitLogSync | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::Compact | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::CreateScanner | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::DestroyScanner | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::DoMaintenance | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::DropRange | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::DropTable | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::Dump | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::DumpPseudoTable | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::FetchScanblock | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::GetStatistics | Decodes "get statistics" request and calls RangeServer::get_statistics() |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::GroupCommit | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::Heapcheck | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::LoadRange | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::MetadataSync | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::PhantomCommitRanges | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::PhantomLoad | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::PhantomPrepareRanges | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::PhantomUpdate | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::RelinquishRange | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::ReplayFragments | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::SetState | Decodes set state request and calls RangeServer::set_state() |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::Shutdown | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::Status | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::TableMaintenanceDisable | ApplicationHandler class for carrying out a RangeServer::table_maintenance_disable() request |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::TableMaintenanceEnable | ApplicationHandler class for carrying out a RangeServer::table_maintenance_enable() request |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::Update | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::UpdateSchema | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Request::Handler::WaitForMaintenance | |
CHypertable::TableMutatorAsyncHandler | This class is a DispatchHandler |
CHypertable::TableMutatorFlushHandler | |
CHypertable::TableScannerHandler | |
►CHypertable::ApplicationQueueInterface | Abstract interface for application queue |
CHypertable::ApplicationQueue | Application queue |
CHypertable::TableMutatorQueue | Provides application work queue and worker threads |
CHypertable::TableScannerQueue | Provides application work queue and worker threads |
CHypertable::ApplicationQueue::ApplicationQueueState | Application queue state shared among worker threads |
CHyperspace::Attribute | Holds extended attribute and value |
CHypertable::Hql::balance_set_duration | |
►CHypertable::BalanceAlgorithm | |
CHypertable::BalanceAlgorithmEvenRanges | |
CHypertable::BalanceAlgorithmLoad | |
CHypertable::BalanceAlgorithmOffload | |
CHypertable::Barrier | A Barrier to block execution of code |
CHypertable::Base64 | Provides base64 encoding and decoding functions |
CHypertable::BasicBloomFilter< HasherT > | A space-efficent probabilistic set for membership test, false postives are possible, but false negatives are not |
CHypertable::BasicBloomFilterWithChecksum< HasherT > | A space-efficent probabilistic set for membership test, false postives are possible, but false negatives are not |
CHyperspace::BDbHandles | Manages namespace and transient state database handles |
CHyperspace::BDbTxn | Manages transaction state |
CHyperspace::BerkeleyDbFilesystem | Hyperspace filesystem implementation on top of BerkeleyDB |
►Cbinary_function | |
CHypertable::__directory_node_internal< _Value, _Compare, _Allocator >::pointer_compare | |
CHypertable::directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator >::value_compare | Ordering relation on value_type |
CHypertable::Blob | A Blob structure holds a data pointer and a size |
CHypertable::BlobHashTraits< HashFunT > | Traits for BlobHashSet Hash function default to MurmurHash2 for speed and mix |
CHypertable::FileBlockCache::BlockCacheEntry | |
►CHypertable::BlockCompressionCodec | Abstract base class for block compression codecs |
CHypertable::BlockCompressionCodecBmz | Block compressor that uses the BMZ algorithm |
CHypertable::BlockCompressionCodecLzo | Block compressor that uses the LZO algorithm |
CHypertable::BlockCompressionCodecNone | Block compressor that performs no compression |
CHypertable::BlockCompressionCodecQuicklz | Block compressor that uses the QUICKLZ algorithm |
CHypertable::BlockCompressionCodecSnappy | Block compressor that uses the SNAPPY algorithm |
CHypertable::BlockCompressionCodecZlib | Block compressor that uses the ZLIB algorithm |
►CHypertable::BlockHeader | Base class for block headers |
CHypertable::BlockHeaderCellStore | Cell store block header |
CHypertable::BlockHeaderCommitLog | Commit log block header |
CHypertable::CellStoreScannerInterval::BlockInfo | |
CBmLut | |
CBmLutEntry | |
►CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Broker | Abstract class to be implemented by brokers |
CHypertable::FsBroker::CephBroker | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::LocalBroker | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::MaprBroker | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::QfsBroker | |
CHypertable::SshOutputCollector::Buffer | Fixed-size buffer to hold a portion of output |
CHypertable::LoadStatistics::Bundle | POD-style structure to hold statistics |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor::busy_t | |
►CHypertable::ByteString | A class managing one or more serializable ByteStrings |
CHypertable::SerializedKey | |
CHypertable::RequestCache::CacheNode | Internal cache node structure |
►CHypertable::HqlInterpreter::Callback | Callback interface/base class for execute |
CHypertable::HqlInterpreter::SmallCallback | An example for simple queries that returns small number of results |
CHypertable::ThriftBroker::HqlCallback< ResultT, CellT > | |
CHypertable::Canonicalize | Static class with methods for canonicalizing table and namespace names |
CHypertable::Cell | Encapsulates decomposed key and value |
CHypertable::CellCacheScanner::CellCacheEntry | |
CHypertable::CellCacheManager | Manages the cell cache of an access group |
CHypertable::Hql::CellInterval | |
►CHypertable::CellList | Abstract base class for cell lists (sorted lists of key/value pairs) |
CHypertable::CellCache | Represents a sorted list of key/value pairs in memory |
►CHypertable::CellStore | Abstract base class for persistent cell lists (ones that are stored on disk) |
CHypertable::CellStoreV0 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV1 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV2 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV3 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV4 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV5 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV6 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV7 | |
►CHypertable::CellListScanner | |
CHypertable::CellCacheScanner | Provides a scanning interface to a CellCache |
CHypertable::CellListScannerBuffer | Cell list scanner over a buffer of cells |
CHypertable::CellStoreScanner< IndexT > | Provides the ability to scan over (query) a cell store |
CHypertable::CellPredicate::CellPattern | |
CHypertable::CellPredicate | Cell predicate |
CHypertable::CellsBuilder | |
CHypertable::CellStoreBlockIndexArray< OffsetT > | |
CHypertable::CellStoreBlockIndexArray< int64_t > | |
CHypertable::CellStoreBlockIndexArray< uint32_t > | |
CHypertable::CellStoreBlockIndexElementArray< OffsetT > | |
CHypertable::CellStoreBlockIndexIteratorArray< OffsetT > | Provides an STL-style iterator on CellStoreBlockIndex objects |
CHypertable::CellStoreFactory | Factory class for creating CellStore objects |
CHypertable::CellStoreInfo | |
CHypertable::AccessGroup::CellStoreMaintenanceData | |
CHypertable::CellStoreReleaseCallback | |
►CHypertable::CellStoreScannerInterval | |
CHypertable::CellStoreScannerIntervalBlockIndex< IndexT > | Provides the ability to scan over a portion of a cell store using its block index |
CHypertable::CellStoreScannerIntervalReadahead< IndexT > | Provides ability to efficiently scan over a portion of a cell store |
►CHypertable::CellStoreTrailer | Abstract base class for cell store trailer |
CHypertable::CellStoreTrailerV0 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreTrailerV1 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreTrailerV2 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreTrailerV3 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreTrailerV4 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreTrailerV5 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreTrailerV6 | |
CHypertable::CellStoreTrailerV7 | Represents the trailer for CellStore version 7 |
CHypertable::Client | |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Client | Client interface to Master |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Client | Client interface to RangeServer |
CHyperspace::ClientHandleState | |
►CHypertable::Thrift::ClientHelper | |
CHypertable::Thrift::Client | A client for the ThriftBroker |
►CHypertable::ClientObject | Base class for Hypertable client objects |
CHypertable::Namespace | |
►CHypertable::ResultCallback | Represents an open table |
CHypertable::Future | |
CHypertable::IndexMutatorCallback | ResultCallback for secondary indices; used by TableMutatorAsync |
CHypertable::IndexScannerCallback | ResultCallback for secondary indices; used by TableScannerAsync |
CHypertable::IndexUpdaterCallback | |
CHypertable::TableCallback | Represents an open table |
CHypertable::Table | Represents an open table |
►CHypertable::TableMutator | Provides the ability to mutate a table in the form of adding and deleting rows and cells |
CHypertable::TableMutatorShared | A TableMutator that can be shared from multiple threads and incidentally has an option to do periodic flushes |
CHypertable::TableMutatorAsync | Provides the ability to mutate a table in the form of adding and deleting rows and cells |
CHypertable::TableScanner | Synchronous table scanner |
CHypertable::TableScannerAsync | Asynchronous table scanner |
►Cclosable_tag | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::FileDevice::category | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::FileSink::category | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::FileSource::category | |
CHypertable::Hql::close_access_group | |
CHypertable::Hql::close_column_family | |
CHypertable::ClusterDefinition::ClusterDefinition | Represents a cluster definition |
CHypertable::ClusterId | Provides access to the cluster ID |
CHypertable::ColumnFamilyOptions | Specification for column family options |
CHypertable::ColumnFamilySpec | Column family specification |
CColumnInfo | |
CHypertable::LoadDataSource::ColumnInfo | |
►CHypertable::ColumnSpec | |
►CHypertable::Column | |
CHypertable::ColumnString | |
CHypertable::Comm | Entry point to AsyncComm service |
CHypertable::CommAddress | Address abstraction to hold either proxy name or IPv4:port address |
CHypertable::CommAddressHash | Hash function (functor) for CommAddress objets |
CHypertable::LocationCache::CommAddressPointerLt | STL Strict Weak Ordering for comparing CommAddress pointers |
CHyperspace::Master::CommandContext | |
►CHypertable::CommandInterpreter | |
CHyperspace::HsCommandInterpreter | |
CHypertable::ClusterCommandInterpreter | Executes interactive cluster tool commands |
CHypertable::HqlCommandInterpreter | HQL command interpreter |
CTools::client::fsbroker::CommandInterpreter | Command interpreter for ht_fsbroker |
CTools::client::master::MasterCommandInterpreter | |
CTools::client::rangeserver::RangeServerCommandInterpreter | |
CTools::client::thriftbroker::CommandInterpreter | Command interpreter for ht_thriftbroker |
CHypertable::CommandShell | |
CHypertable::CommBuf | Message buffer for holding data to be transmitted over a network |
CHypertable::CommHeader | Header for messages transmitted via AsyncComm |
►CHypertable::CommitLogBase | |
CHypertable::CommitLog | Commit log for persisting range updates |
CHypertable::CommitLogReader | Provides sequential access to blocks in a commit log |
CHypertable::CommitLogBlockInfo | Holds information about an individual block |
CHypertable::CommitLogBlockStream | Abstraction for reading a stream of blocks from a commit log file |
CHypertable::CommitLogFileInfo | |
CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::Compiler | Compiles a cluster definition file into an executable bash script |
CHypertable::CompressorFactory | |
►CHypertable::ConnectionHandlerFactory | Abstract class for creating default application dispatch handlers |
CHandlerFactory | This handler factory gets passed into Comm::listen |
CHandlerFactory | This handler factory gets passed into Comm::listen |
CHandlerFactory | This handler factory gets passed into Comm::listen |
CHandlerFactory | This handler factory gets passed into Comm::listen |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::ConnectionHandlerFactory | This class serves as the connection handler factory |
CHypertable::HandlerFactory | |
►CHypertable::ConnectionInitializer | Driver interface for connection initialization handshake in ConnectionManager |
CHypertable::LocationInitializer | Obtains location string (proxy name) for the range server |
CHypertable::ConnectionManager::ConnectionState | Per-connection state |
CHypertable::Config::Cons< CarT, CdrT > | Helpers to compose init policies; allow to combine two policies into one |
CHypertable::Config::Cons< NullPolicy, PolicyT > | |
CHypertable::ConsoleOutputSquelcher | Temporarily redirects stdout and stderr to /dev/null |
CHypertable::ThriftBroker::Context | |
CHypertable::CpuInfo | A structure to retrieve CPU information (vendor, model, speed, number of cores etc.) |
CHypertable::CpuStat | A structure to retrieve CPU statistics (system wide cpu times, idle time etc) |
CHypertable::Hql::create_index | |
CHypertable::Hql::create_qualifier_index | |
CHypertable::Cronolog | Time based rotating log |
CHypertable::Crontab | Tracks timing of periodic events |
CHypertable::crontab_entry | Binary representation of crontab spec |
CHypertable::Crypto | Provides cryptographic functions |
CHypertable::CstrCaseHashTraits | |
CHypertable::CstrHashTraits< HashT > | Traits for CstrHashMap/Set |
CHypertable::CommitLog::CumulativeFragmentData | |
CHypertable::DataGenerator | |
CHypertable::DataSource | |
►CDbt | |
CHyperspace::DbtManaged | |
CHypertable::FileBlockCache::DecrementRefCount | |
►CHypertable::DefaultPageAllocator | A memory allocator using std::malloc() and std::free() |
CHypertable::CellCachePageAllocator | |
CHypertable::Hql::Parser::definition< ScannerT > | |
►CHypertable::MetaLog::Definition | Defines the set of valid MetaLog entities for a server |
CHypertable::MetaLog::DefinitionMaster | |
CHypertable::MetaLog::DefinitionRangeServer | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::Parser::definition< Scanner > | |
CHypertable::Hql::delete_column | |
CHypertable::Hql::delete_set_row | |
CHypertable::ResponseManagerContext::DeliveryRec | Record holding response delivery information for an operation |
►Cdevice_tag | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::FileDevice::category | |
CHypertable::directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > | Directory container class |
CHypertable::directory_entry< _Key, _Tp > | |
CHyperspace::DirEntry | |
CHyperspace::DirEntryAttr | |
►CHypertable::DiscreteRandomGenerator | Generates samples from a discrete probability distribution in the range [0, max_val] by transforming a uniform [0, 1] distribution into the desired distribution |
CHypertable::DiscreteRandomGeneratorUniform | Generate samples from Uniform distribution |
CHypertable::DiscreteRandomGeneratorZipf | Generate samples from Zipf distribution |
CHypertable::DiscreteRandomGeneratorFactory | Static factory class for discrete random generators |
CHypertable::DiskStat | A structure to retrieve disk statistics (read/write IOPS, transfer rates etc) |
CHypertable::Hql::drop_column_family | |
CHypertable::Hql::drop_qualifier_index | |
CHypertable::Hql::drop_value_index | |
CHypertable::DynamicBuffer | A dynamic, resizable and reference counted memory buffer |
►Cenable_shared_from_this | |
CHypertable::CellCache | Represents a sorted list of key/value pairs in memory |
CHypertable::CellStore | Abstract base class for persistent cell lists (ones that are stored on disk) |
CHypertable::Context | Execution context for the Master |
►CHypertable::DispatchHandler | Abstract base class for application dispatch handlers registered with AsyncComm |
CHyperspace::ClientConnectionHandler | |
CHyperspace::ClientKeepaliveHandler | |
CHyperspace::MetricsHandler | Collects and publishes Hyperspace metrics |
CHyperspace::ServerConnectionHandler | |
CHyperspace::ServerKeepaliveHandler | |
CHypertable::ConnectionHandler | Handles incoming Master requests |
CHypertable::ConnectionManager | Establishes and maintains a set of TCP connections |
►CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperation | DispatchHandler class for managing async RangeServer requests |
CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperationAlterTable | |
CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperationCompact | Dispatch handler to aggregate a set of RangeServer::compact results |
CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperationDropTable | |
CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperationGetStatistics | |
CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperationSetState | DispatchHandler class for gathering responses to a set of RangeServer::set_state() requests |
CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperationSystemStatus | Carries out scatter/gather requests for RangeServer status |
CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperationToggleTableMaintenance | Dispatch handler for either enabling or disabling table maintenance by issuing requests to range servers and aggregating the responses |
CHypertable::DispatchHandlerSynchronizer | DispatchHandler class used to synchronize with response messages |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::ClientBufferedReaderHandler | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::ConnectionHandler | Connection handler for file system brokers |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::MetricsHandler | Collects and publishes FsBroker metrics |
CHypertable::GroupCommitTimerHandler | |
CHypertable::MetaLog::Writer::WriteScheduler | Periodically flushes deferred writes to disk |
CHypertable::MetricsHandler | Collects and publishes Master metrics |
CHypertable::MetricsHandler | Collects and publishes Master metrics |
CHypertable::RangeServer::ConnectionHandler | |
CHypertable::ReplayDispatchHandler | |
CHypertable::TableMutatorAsyncDispatchHandler | This class is a DispatchHandler |
CHypertable::TableMutatorIntervalHandler | Timer handler for periodically flushing a shared mutator |
CHypertable::TableMutatorSyncDispatchHandler | This class is a DispatchHandler class that is used for collecting asynchronous commit log sync requests |
CHypertable::TableScannerDispatchHandler | |
CHypertable::TimerHandler | Timer interrupt handler |
►CResponseHandler | (somewhat) Abstract base class for response handlers; Defines the message queue and the mutex and condition variable to protect it |
CResponseHandlerTCP | This is the dispatch handler that gets installed as the default handler for the TCP connection |
CResponseHandlerUDP | This is the dispatch handler that gets installed as the default handler for UDP mode |
►CHypertable::MetaLog::Entity | Base class for MetaLog entities |
CHypertable::BalancePlanAuthority | Central authority for balance plans |
CHypertable::MetaLog::EntityRecover | Recover entity used for sanity checking |
►CHypertable::MetaLog::EntityTask | |
CHypertable::MetaLog::EntityTaskAcknowledgeRelinquish | |
CHypertable::MetaLogEntityRange | MetaLog entity for range state persisted in RSML |
CHypertable::MetaLogEntityRemoveOkLogs | MetaLog entity to track transfer logs that can be safely removed |
►CHypertable::Operation | Abstract base class for master operations |
CHypertable::OperationAlterTable | Carries out an alter table operation |
CHypertable::OperationBalance | |
CHypertable::OperationCompact | Carries out a manual compaction operation |
CHypertable::OperationCreateNamespace | |
CHypertable::OperationCreateTable | Carries out a create table operation |
CHypertable::OperationDropNamespace | |
CHypertable::OperationDropTable | Carries out a drop table operation |
►CHypertable::OperationEphemeral | Abstract base class for ephemeral operations |
CHypertable::OperationCollectGarbage | |
CHypertable::OperationGatherStatistics | Gathers and processes RangeServer statistics |
CHypertable::OperationRecoveryBlocker | |
CHypertable::OperationRegisterServer | |
CHypertable::OperationRegisterServerBlocker | Blocks range server registration |
CHypertable::OperationRelinquishAcknowledge | |
CHypertable::OperationStatus | |
CHypertable::OperationStop | |
CHypertable::OperationSystemStatus | |
CHypertable::OperationSystemUpgrade | |
CHypertable::OperationTimedBarrier | |
CHypertable::OperationWaitForServers | |
CHypertable::OperationInitialize | |
CHypertable::OperationMoveRange | |
CHypertable::OperationRecover | Carries out recovery operaton for a range server |
CHypertable::OperationRecoverRanges | |
CHypertable::OperationRecreateIndexTables | Reconstructs a table's index tables |
CHypertable::OperationRenameTable | |
CHypertable::OperationSetState | Carries out a set variables operation |
CHypertable::OperationToggleTableMaintenance | Enables or disables maintenance for a table |
CHypertable::RangeServerConnection | |
CHypertable::RecoveredServers | Set of recovered servers |
CHypertable::SystemState | Holds persistent global system state |
CHypertable::Endpoint | High-level entry point to a service; wraps a host:port pair |
CHypertable::MetaLog::EntityHeader | Entity header |
CHypertable::HyperspaceTableCache::Entry | Cache entry for Hyperspace table data |
CHypertable::MaintenanceFlag::Equal | Equality function for pointers |
CHypertable::TableMutatorSyncDispatchHandler::ErrorResult | |
CHypertable::Event | Network communication event |
►CHyperspace::Event | |
CHyperspace::EventLockAcquired | |
CHyperspace::EventLockGranted | |
CHyperspace::EventLockReleased | |
CHyperspace::EventNamed | |
CHyperspace::Master::EventContext | |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
►Cstd::runtime_error | STL class |
CHypertable::Exception | This is a generic exception class for Hypertable |
CHypertable::ExceptionMessageRenderer | Helper class to render an exception message a la IO manipulators |
CHypertable::ExceptionMessagesRenderer | Helper class to render an exception message a la IO manipulators |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor::execution_time_t | |
CHypertable::ExpireTimer | State record for timer |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::Factory | Factory class for constructing application handlers from request events |
CHypertable::FailedRegionAsync | |
CHypertable::FailureInducer::failure_inducer_state | Internal structure to store a single failure setting |
CHypertable::FailureInducer | |
►Cfalse_type | |
CHypertable::__is_nothrow_swappable_imp< false, _Tp > | |
Cstd::chrono::fast_clock | |
CHypertable::FileBlockCache | |
►CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::FileDevice | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::FileSink | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::FileSource | |
►CHypertable::Filesystem | Abstract base class for a filesystem |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Client | Proxy class for FS broker |
CHypertable::FileUtils | Static functions to easily access and handle files and the file system |
CHypertable::Hql::finish_alter_table_statement | |
CHypertable::Hql::finish_create_table_statement | |
CHypertable::FixedRandomStringGenerator | |
CHypertable::FlyweightString | The Flyweight string set stores duplicate strings efficiently |
Cfmem | |
CHypertable::FragmentData | Accumulates phantom update data for a phantom range |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServerRecovery::FragmentReplayPlanById | |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServerRecovery::FragmentReplayPlanByLocation | |
Cfreebase_parser | |
CHypertable::FsStat | A structure to retrieve Filesystem statistics (total size, free size, used size etc) |
CTools::client::fsbroker::FsTestThreadFunction | Thread function class for fsbroker test |
CHypertable::GcWorker | |
CHypertable::Global | |
►Cgrammar | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::Parser | |
CHypertable::Hql::Parser | |
►CHypertable::GroupCommitInterface | Abstract base class for group commit implementation |
CHypertable::GroupCommit | Group commit manager |
CHypertable::ApplicationQueue::GroupState | Tracks group execution state |
CHypertable::BalanceAlgorithmLoad::GtRangeMetricSummary | |
CHypertable::BalanceAlgorithmLoad::GtServerMetricSummary | |
►CHyperspace::HandleCallback | |
CHyperspace::FileHandleCallback | |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::HyperspaceCallback | |
CHypertable::RangeServerHyperspaceCallback | Callback class for range server lock files |
CHypertable::RootFileHandler | |
CHypertable::HandlerMap | Data structure for mapping socket addresses to I/O handlers |
CHypertable::MaintenanceFlag::Hash | Hash function class for pointers |
CHypertable::BlobHashTraits< HashFunT >::hasher | |
CHypertable::CstrHashTraits< HashT >::hasher | |
CHypertable::CstrCaseHashTraits::hasher | |
CHypertable::FileBlockCache::HashI64 | |
CHypertable::MetaLog::Header | Metalog file header |
CHypertable::AccessGroup::Hints | |
CHypertable::HostSpecification | Converts host specification pattern to list of host names |
CHypertable::HqlHelpText | Holds and provides access to help text |
CHypertable::HqlInterpreter | The API of HQL interpreter |
►CHqlServiceClient | |
CHypertable::Thrift::Client | A client for the ThriftBroker |
►CHqlServiceIf | |
CHypertable::ThriftBroker::ServerHandler | |
►CHqlServiceIfFactory | |
CHypertable::ThriftBroker::ThriftBrokerIfFactory | |
CHyperspace::HsHelpText | |
CHypertable::Master::HyperspaceMasterFile | Facilitates operations on the master file in Hyperspace |
CHypertable::HyperspaceTableCache | Provides efficient lookup of Hyperspace table data |
CHypertableConnection | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::FileDevice::impl | |
►CImpl | |
CHypertable::CellCacheAllocator< T, Impl > | |
CHypertable::StlAllocator< T, Impl > | Stl compatible memory allocator based on a PageArena |
CHypertable::CellStoreV1::IndexBuilder | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV2::IndexBuilder | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV3::IndexBuilder | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV4::IndexBuilder | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV5::IndexBuilder | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV6::IndexBuilder | |
CHypertable::CellStoreV7::IndexBuilder | |
CHypertable::CellStore::IndexMemoryStats | |
CHypertable::IndexUpdater | Helper class for updating index tables |
CHypertable::IndexUpdaterFactory | Factory class for creating IndexUpdater objects |
CHypertable::RangeServerConnectionManager::InetAddrHash | |
CInsertRec | |
CHypertable::Hql::InsertRecord | |
►Cintegral_constant | |
►CHypertable::__is_nothrow_swappable_imp< __is_swappable< _Tp >::value, _Tp > | |
CHypertable::__is_nothrow_swappable< _Tp > | |
CHypertable::__is_nothrow_swappable_imp< bool, _Tp > | |
CHypertable::__is_swappable< _Tp > | |
CHypertable::InteractiveCommand | Abstract base class for simple interactive shell commands |
CHypertable::IntervalScannerAsync | |
►CHypertable::IOHandler | Base class for socket descriptor I/O handlers |
CHypertable::IOHandlerAccept | I/O handler for accept (listen) sockets |
CHypertable::IOHandlerData | I/O handler for TCP sockets |
CHypertable::IOHandlerDatagram | I/O handler for datagram (UDP) sockets |
CHypertable::IOHandlerRaw | I/O handler for raw sockets |
►Cstd::ios_base | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ios< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_istream< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::istream | STL class |
CHypertable::FixedIstream | Input stream using a fixed buffer |
►Cstd::basic_ostream< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::ostream | STL class |
CHypertable::FixedOstream | Output stream using a fixed buffer |
►Citerator | |
CHypertable::DataGeneratorIterator | Provides an STL-style iterator on DataGenerator objects |
►Citerator_facade | |
CHypertable::SshOutputCollector::iterator | Iterator for traversing output line-by-line |
CHypertable::Config::Join< PolicyListT > | |
CHypertable::QueryCache::Key | Hash key to query cache |
CHypertable::Key | Provides access to internal components of opaque key |
CHypertable::BlobHashTraits< HashFunT >::key_equal | |
CHypertable::CstrHashTraits< HashT >::key_equal | |
CHypertable::CstrCaseHashTraits::key_equal | |
CHypertable::key_revision_lt | |
CHypertable::LoadDataSource::KeyComponentInfo | |
►CHypertable::KeyCompressor | |
CHypertable::KeyCompressorNone | |
CHypertable::KeyCompressorPrefix | |
►CHypertable::KeyDecompressor | |
CHypertable::KeyDecompressorNone | |
CHypertable::KeyDecompressorPrefix | |
CHypertable::QueryCache::KeyHash | |
CHypertable::KeySpec | |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor::label_t | |
CHypertable::LiveFileTracker | Tracks files that are live or referenced for purposes of maintaining the 'Files' METADATA column |
CHypertable::LoadAvgStat | A structure to retrieve load average-statistics |
CHypertable::LoadBalancer | |
CLoadClient | |
CHypertable::LoadDataEscape | |
►CHypertable::LoadDataSource | |
CHypertable::LoadDataSourceFileDfs | |
CHypertable::LoadDataSourceFileLocal | |
CHypertable::LoadDataSourceStdin | |
CHypertable::LoadDataSourceFactory | |
CHypertable::LoadFactors | |
CHypertable::LoadMetricsRange | |
CHypertable::LoadRec | |
CHypertable::LoadStatistics | Computes application load statistics |
CHypertable::LoadThread | |
CHypertable::LocationCache | This class acts as a cache of Range location information |
CHypertable::LocationCacheKey | Key type for Range location cache |
CLocationThread | |
CHyperspace::LockRequest | Encapsulates a lock request for a file node |
CHyperspace::LockSequencer | |
CHypertable::LogReplayBarrier | Blocks requests until specific commit log has finished replaying |
CHypertable::Logger::LogWriter | Writes to stdout |
CHypertable::lt_ctip | Comparison functor for ClusterTableIdPair objects |
CHypertable::BalancePlanAuthority::lt_move_spec | StrictWeakOrdering class for set of RangeMoveSpecs |
CHypertable::LtCellStoreBlockIndexElementArray< OffsetT > | |
CHypertable::LtClfip | |
CHypertable::ConnectionManager::LtConnectionState | StringWeakOrdering for connection retry heap |
CLtCstr | STL Strict Weak Ordering for comparing c-style strings |
CHyperspace::LtDirEntry | |
CHyperspace::LtDirEntryAttr | |
CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperation::LtEventPtr | Strict Weak Ordering for comparing events by source address |
CHypertable::CellListScannerBuffer::LtKeyValueT | STL Strict Weak Ordering for KeyValueT |
CHypertable::MaintenanceQueue::LtMaintenanceTask | |
CHypertable::LtNamespaceListingId | |
CHypertable::LtNamespaceListingName | |
CHypertable::PageArena< CharT, PageAllocatorT >::LtPageRemain | Predicate which sorts by size |
CHypertable::LtQualifiedRangeSpecManaged | |
CHypertable::MergeScannerAccessGroup::LtScannerState | |
CHypertable::MergeScannerRange::LtScannerState | |
CHyperspace::LtSessionData | |
CHypertable::ltStringPtr | |
CHypertable::LtTimerHeap | Comparison function (functor) for timer heap |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor::ltvertexinfo | |
CHypertable::Range::MaintenanceData | |
CHypertable::AccessGroup::MaintenanceData | |
►CHypertable::MaintenancePrioritizer | |
CHypertable::MaintenancePrioritizerLogCleanup | |
CHypertable::MaintenancePrioritizerLowMemory | |
CHypertable::MaintenanceQueue | Queue for periodic maintenance work |
CHypertable::MaintenanceQueue::MaintenanceQueueState | |
CHypertable::MaintenanceScheduler | Schedules range server maintenance |
►CHypertable::MaintenanceTask | |
CHypertable::MaintenanceTaskCompaction | |
CHypertable::MaintenanceTaskDeferredInitialization | |
CHypertable::MaintenanceTaskMemoryPurge | |
CHypertable::MaintenanceTaskRelinquish | |
CHypertable::MaintenanceTaskSplit | |
CHypertable::MaintenanceTaskWorkQueue | |
CHyperspace::Master | |
Cmd5_context | MD5 context structure; this structure is used to store the internal state of the md5 algorithm |
CHypertable::MaintenancePrioritizer::MemoryState | |
CHypertable::MemoryTracker | Tracks range server memory used |
CHypertable::MemStat | A structure to retrieve memory statistics (RAM size, used size, free size etc) |
CHypertable::MergeScannerAccessGroup | Merge scanner for access groups |
CHypertable::MergeScannerRange | Performs a scan over a range |
►CHypertable::Metadata | |
CHypertable::MetadataNormal | |
CHypertable::MetadataRoot | |
►CHypertable::Metrics | Metrics interface |
CHypertable::MetricsProcess | Computes and publishes general process metrics |
►CHypertable::MetricsCollector | Abstract metrics collector |
CHypertable::MetricsCollectorGanglia | Ganglia metrics collector |
CHypertable::Monitoring | |
►Cms_callbacks | |
CSshThreadsCallbacks | |
CHypertable::MurmurHash2 | Helper structure using overloaded operator() to calculate hashes of various input types |
CHypertable::MutexWithStatistics | Mutex that maintains wait threads count |
CHypertable::NameIdMapper | Easy mapping between a Table/Namespace name string to ids and vice versa |
CHypertable::NamespaceCache | |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::NamespaceFlag | Namespace operation bit flags |
CHypertable::NamespaceListing | |
CHypertable::NetInfo | A structure to retrieve network information (host name, primary interface, primary address, gateway etc) |
CHypertable::NetStat | A structure to retrieve network statistics (receiving rate, transmitting rate etc) |
►Cnoncopyable | |
CHypertable::KeySpecBuilder | Helper class for building a KeySpec |
CHypertable::Lib::ScanSpecBuilder | Helper class for building a ScanSpec |
CHypertable::PageArena< CharT, PageAllocatorT > | The PageArena allocator is simple and fast, avoiding individual mallocs/frees |
CHypertable::PageArena< uint8_t, CellCachePageAllocator > | |
CHypertable::PageArena< unsigned char > | |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor::not_permanent | |
CHyperspace::Notification | |
CHypertable::NotificationMessage | Holds a notification message to be deliverd to the administrator |
CHypertable::Notifier | |
CHypertable::Config::NullPolicy | |
►CHypertable::NumericFormatterDigits | The fast numeric formatters, very much inspired from |
►CHypertable::NumericFormatter< T > | |
CHypertable::NumericSignedFormatter< T > | |
CHypertable::NumericUnsignedFormatter< T > | |
CHypertable::Hql::open_access_group | |
CHypertable::Hql::open_column_family | |
CHypertable::Hql::open_existing_column_family | |
►CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::OpenFileData | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::OpenFileDataCeph | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::OpenFileDataLocal | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::OpenFileDataMapr | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::OpenFileDataQfs | |
►COpenFileDataPtr | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::OpenFileDataCephPtr | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::OpenFileDataLocalPtr | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::OpenFileDataMaprPtr | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::OpenFileDataQfsPtr | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::OpenFileMap | |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor::operation_t | |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor | Runs a set of operaions with dependency relationships |
CHypertable::ResponseManagerContext::OperationRec | Record holding completed operation information |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor::OperationVertex | |
CHypertable::OsInfo | A structure to retrieve operating system information (name, version, vendor, architecture) |
CHypertable::PageArena< CharT, PageAllocatorT >::Page | A structure to manage a single memory page which is used to allocate smaller memory chunks |
CHypertable::ParallelStateRec | |
CTools::client::fsbroker::CommandInterpreter::ParseResult | |
CTools::client::thriftbroker::CommandInterpreter::ParseResult | |
CHypertable::Hql::ParserState | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::ParserState | |
►Cpath | |
CHypertable::Path | Compatibility class for boost::filesystem::path |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor::permanent_t | |
CHypertable::PhantomRange | Represents a "phantom" range |
CHypertable::PhantomRangeMap | Provides a mapping from table name to TableInfo object |
►CPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
►CHypertable::Config::Policy | Interface and base of config policy |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CAppPolicy | |
CHypertable::CommandShellPolicy | |
CHypertable::Config::ClientPolicy | |
CHypertable::Config::CommPolicy | Config policy for Comm layer |
CHypertable::Config::DefaultPolicy | Default init policy |
CHypertable::Config::FsBrokerPolicy | Mutually exclusive with GenericServerPolicy |
CHypertable::Config::FsClientPolicy | |
CHypertable::Config::GenericServerPolicy | Config policy for generic Comm layer server |
CHypertable::Config::HyperspaceClientPolicy | |
CHypertable::Config::HyperspaceCommandShellPolicy | |
CHypertable::Config::HyperspaceMasterPolicy | |
CHypertable::Config::MasterClientPolicy | |
CHypertable::Config::RangeServerClientPolicy | |
CHypertable::Config::RangeServerPolicy | |
CHypertable::Config::TestPolicy | A Policy class for extending command line options |
CHypertable::Config::ThriftBrokerPolicy | Mutually exclusive with GenericServerPolicy |
CHypertable::Config::ThriftClientPolicy | |
CHypertable::DataGeneratorPolicy | |
CHypertable::PollDescriptorT | Socket descriptor poll state for use with POSIX poll() |
CHypertable::PollTimeout | Maintains next timeout for event polling loop |
CHypertable::ProcInfo | A structure to receive process information (pid, user name, exe name, working directory, program arguments etc) |
CHypertable::ProcStat | A structure to receive process statistics (CPU user time, system time, virtmal machine sizes etc) |
CProfile | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CProfileTable | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CHypertable::Properties | Manages a collection of program options |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Protocol | |
►CHypertable::Protocol | Abstract base class for server protocol drivers |
CHyperspace::Protocol | Protocol driver for encoding request messages |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Protocol | Master client protocol information |
CHypertable::ProxyAddressInfo | Holds address and hostname associated with a proxy name |
CHypertable::ProxyMap | Maps a set of proxy names to their associated IP addresses |
CHypertable::PseudoTables | Singleton class holding Schema objects for pseudo tables |
CHypertable::QualifiedRangeEqual | |
CHypertable::QualifiedRangeHash | |
CHypertable::QualifierFactory | |
►CHypertable::QualifierSpec | |
►CHypertable::Qualifier | |
CHypertable::QualifierString | |
CHypertable::QueryCache | Query cache |
CHypertable::QueryCache::QueryCacheEntry | Internal cache entry |
CHypertable::QueryThread | |
CHypertable::Random | Convenience interface for random number and data generation |
CHypertable::Range | Represents a table row range |
►CHypertable::RangeAddrInfo | Holds range location |
CHypertable::RangeLocationInfo | Holds range start and end row plus location |
CHypertable::RangeData | Holds pointers to a Range and associated Range::MaintenanceData |
CHypertable::RangeInfo | Holds pointer to range and cached start and end rows |
CRangeInfo | |
CHypertable::RangeLocator | Locates containing range given a key |
CHypertable::RangeMaintenanceGuard | |
CHypertable::Lib::RS_METRICS::RangeMeasurement | Single range metrics measurement |
CHypertable::Lib::RS_METRICS::RangeMetrics | Aggregates metrics for an individual range |
CHypertable::BalanceAlgorithmLoad::RangeMetricSummary | |
CHypertable::RangeReplayBuffer | |
CHypertable::Ranges | Holds vector of RangeData objects and memory arena |
CHypertable::Apps::RangeServer | |
CHypertable::Monitoring::rangeserver_rrd_data | |
CHypertable::RangeServerConnectionManager::RangeServerConnectionEntry | |
CHypertable::RangeServerConnectionManager | |
CHypertable::RangeServerState | |
CHypertable::RangeServerStatistics | |
►CHypertable::RangeSet | Interface for removing a range or changing its end row in a Range set |
CHypertable::TableInfo | Holds set of range objects for a table |
CHypertable::RangeTransferInfo | |
►CHypertable::RawSocketHandler | Abstract base class for application raw socket handlers registered with AsyncComm |
CHypertable::SshSocketHandler | Raw socket handler for ssh protocol driver |
CHypertable::Reactor | Manages reactor (polling thread) state including poll interest, request cache, and timers |
CHypertable::ReactorFactory | Static class used to setup and manage I/O reactors |
CHypertable::ReactorRunner | Thread functor class for reacting to I/O events |
CHypertable::MetaLog::Reader | Reads a MetaLog |
►CHypertable::Lib::RS_METRICS::Reader | Interface class for reading RangeServer metrics |
CHypertable::Lib::RS_METRICS::ReaderTable | Reads metrics from the sys/RS_METRICS table |
CHypertable::PageArenaAllocator< T, ArenaT >::rebind< U > | |
CHypertable::StlAllocator< T, Impl >::rebind< U > | |
CHypertable::CellCacheAllocator< T, Impl >::rebind< U > | |
CHypertable::BalancePlanAuthority::RecoveryPlans | Holds plans for each range type |
CHypertable::Context::RecoveryState | |
CHypertable::RecoveryStepFuture | Tracks outstanding RangeServer recover requests |
CHypertable::ReferenceManager | Holds references to operations that are to be manually removed |
CHypertable::RefHolder< T > | Helper class used to pass a parameter to the ScopeGuard by reference |
CHypertable::Regex | Provides utility functions for regular expressions |
CHypertable::MergeScannerAccessGroup::RegexpInfo | |
CHypertable::ReplayBuffer | |
CHyperspace::ReplicationInfo | Encapsulates replication state |
CHypertable::RequestCache | Class used to hold pending request callback handlers |
CHypertable::ApplicationQueue::RequestRec | Request record |
►CHypertable::ResponseCallback | This class is used to generate and deliver standard responses back to a client |
CHyperspace::ResponseCallbackAttrExists | Sends back result of an attr_exists request |
CHyperspace::ResponseCallbackAttrGet | Sends back result of an attr_get request |
CHyperspace::ResponseCallbackAttrIncr | |
CHyperspace::ResponseCallbackAttrList | |
CHyperspace::ResponseCallbackExists | |
CHyperspace::ResponseCallbackLock | |
CHyperspace::ResponseCallbackOpen | |
CHyperspace::ResponseCallbackReaddir | |
CHyperspace::ResponseCallbackReaddirAttr | |
CHyperspace::ResponseCallbackReadpathAttr | |
CHyperspace::ResponseCallbackStatus | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Callback::Append | Application handler for append function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Callback::Exists | Application handler for exists function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Callback::Length | Application handler for length function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Callback::Open | Application handler for open function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Callback::Read | Application handler for read function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Callback::Readdir | Application handler for readdir function |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Callback::Status | Application handler for open function |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Response::Callback::AcknowledgeLoad | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Response::Callback::CreateScanner | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Response::Callback::GetStatistics | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Response::Callback::PhantomUpdate | |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Response::Callback::Status | Response callback for status function |
CHypertable::RangeServer::Response::Callback::Update | |
CHypertable::ResponseManager | Manages the sending of operation results back to clients |
CHypertable::ResponseManagerContext | Implementation shared by ResponseManager objects |
CHypertable::Result | |
CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperation::Result | Holds request result information |
CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperationSystemStatus::Result | Holds result of a RangeServer status request |
►CHypertable::RowComponentSpec | |
►CHypertable::RowComponent | |
CHypertable::RowComponentInteger | |
CHypertable::RowComponentString | |
CHypertable::RowComponentTimestamp | |
CHypertable::Hql::RowInterval | |
CHypertable::QueryCache::RowKey | Row key information |
CHypertable::QueryCache::RowKeyHash | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_add_column_family | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_add_column_qualifier | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_add_row_interval | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_clear_display_timestamps | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_boolop | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_buckets | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_cell_column | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_cell_limit | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_cell_limit_per_family | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_cell_offset | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_cell_row | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_column_predicate_name | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_column_predicate_operation | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_column_predicate_qualifier | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_column_predicate_value | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_day | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_decimal_seconds | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_display_revisions | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_display_timestamps | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_hours | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_keys_only | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_max_versions | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_minutes | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_month | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_nanoseconds | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_no_cache | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_outfile | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_relop | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_return_deletes | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_row | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_row_limit | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_row_offset | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_row_regexp | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_scan_and_filter_rows | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_seconds | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_time | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_value_regexp | |
CHypertable::Hql::scan_set_year | |
CHypertable::ScanBlock | Encapsulates a block of scan results |
CHypertable::Lib::ScanCells | This class takes allows vector access to a set of cells contained in an EventPtr without any copying |
CHypertable::ScanContext | Scan context information |
CHypertable::ScannerMap::ScanInfo | Holds scanner information |
CHypertable::Lib::ScanLimitState | Tracks row and cell limits used to enforce scan limit predicates |
CHypertable::ThriftBroker::ScannerInfo | |
CHypertable::ScannerMap | Map to hold outstanding scanners |
CHypertable::MergeScannerAccessGroup::ScannerState | |
CHypertable::MergeScannerRange::ScannerState | |
CHypertable::Hql::ScanState | |
CHypertable::Schema | Schema specification |
CHypertable::Barrier::ScopedActivator | A helper class to put up a barrier when entering a scope and take it down when leaving the scope |
►CHypertable::ScopeGuardImplBase | Base class for the ScopeGuards |
CHypertable::ObjScopeGuardImpl0< ObjT, MethodT > | ScopeGuard implementation for method with no parameter |
CHypertable::ObjScopeGuardImpl1< ObjT, MethodT, P1T > | ScopeGuard implementation for method with 1 parameter |
CHypertable::ObjScopeGuardImpl2< ObjT, MethodT, P1T, P2T > | ScopeGuard implementation for method with 2 parameters |
CHypertable::ScopeGuardImpl0< FunT > | ScopeGuard implementation for free function with no paramter |
CHypertable::ScopeGuardImpl1< FunT, P1T > | ScopeGuard implementation for free function with 1 parameter |
CHypertable::ScopeGuardImpl2< FunT, P1T, P2T > | ScopeGuard implementation for free function with 2 parameters |
CHypertable::ScopeGuardImpl3< FunT, P1T, P2T, P3T > | ScopeGuard implementation for free function with 3 parameters |
CHypertable::SendBackRec | Describes portion of an update buffer rejected due to error |
►CHypertable::Serializable | Mixin class that provides a standard serialization interface |
CHypertable::BalancePlan | Balance plan |
CHypertable::Filesystem::Dirent | Directory entry |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Append | Request parameters for append requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Close | Request parameters for close requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Create | Request parameters for create requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Debug | Request parameters for debug requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Exists | Request parameters for exists requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Flush | Request parameters for flush requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Length | Request parameters for length requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Mkdirs | Request parameters for mkdirs requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Open | Request parameters for open requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Pread | Request parameters for pread requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Read | Request parameters for read requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Readdir | Request parameters for readdir requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Remove | Request parameters for remove requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Rename | Request parameters for rename requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Rmdir | Request parameters for rmdir requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Seek | Request parameters for seek requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Shutdown | Request parameters for shutdown requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Parameters::Sync | Request parameters for sync requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Parameters::Append | Response parameters for append requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Parameters::Exists | Response parameters for exists requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Parameters::Length | Response parameters for length requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Parameters::Open | Response parameters for open requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Parameters::Read | Response parameters for read requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Parameters::Readdir | Response parameters for readdir requests |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Response::Parameters::Status | Response parameters for open requests |
CHypertable::Lib::CellInterval | Represents a cell interval |
CHypertable::Lib::ColumnPredicate | Represents a column predicate (e.g |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::AlterTable | Request parameters for alter table operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::Balance | Request parameters for balance operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::Compact | Request parameters for compact operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::CreateNamespace | Request parameters for create namespace operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::CreateTable | Request parameters for create table operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::DropNamespace | Request parameters for drop namespace operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::DropTable | Request parameters for drop table operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::FetchResult | Request parameters for fetch result request |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::MoveRange | Request parameters for move range operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::PhantomCommitComplete | Request parameters for phantom commit complete operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::PhantomPrepareComplete | Request parameters for phantom prepare complete operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::RecreateIndexTables | Request parameters for recreate index tables operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::RegisterServer | Request parameters for register server operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::RelinquishAcknowledge | Request parameters for relinquish acknowledge operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::RenameTable | Request parameters for rename table operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::ReplayComplete | Request parameters for replay complete operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::ReplayStatus | Request parameters for replay status operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::SetState | Request parameters for set state operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Request::Parameters::Stop | Request parameters for stop function |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Response::Parameters::RegisterServer | Response parameters for register server operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Response::Parameters::Status | Response parameters for status operation |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::Response::Parameters::SystemStatus | Response parameters for status operation |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::AcknowledgeLoad | Request parameters for acknowledge load function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::CommitLogSync | Request parameters for commit log sync function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::Compact | Request parameters for compact function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::CreateScanner | Request parameters for create scanner function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::DestroyScanner | Request parameters for destroy scanner function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::DropRange | Request parameters for drop range function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::DropTable | Request parameters for drop table function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::Dump | Request parameters for dump function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::DumpPseudoTable | Request parameters for dump pseudo table function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::FetchScanblock | Request parameters for fetch scanblock function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::GetStatistics | Request parameters for get statistics function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::Heapcheck | Request parameters for heapcheck function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::LoadRange | Request parameters for load range function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::PhantomCommitRanges | Request parameters for phantom commit ranges function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::PhantomLoad | Request parameters for phantom load function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::PhantomPrepareRanges | Request parameters for phantom prepare ranges function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::PhantomUpdate | Request parameters for phantom update function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::RelinquishRange | Request parameters for relinquish range function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::ReplayFragments | Request parameters for replay fragments function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::SetState | Request parameters for set state function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::TableMaintenanceDisable | Request parameters for table maintenance disable function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::TableMaintenanceEnable | Request parameters for table maintenance enable function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::Update | Request parameters for update function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Request::Parameters::UpdateSchema | Request parameters for update schema function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Response::Parameters::AcknowledgeLoad | Response parameters for acknowledge load function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Response::Parameters::CreateScanner | Response parameters for acknowledge load function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Response::Parameters::GetStatistics | Response parameters for get statistics function |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::Response::Parameters::Status | Response parameters for open requests |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServerRecovery::FragmentReplayPlan | Fragment replay plan |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServerRecovery::Plan | RangeServer recovery plan |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServerRecovery::ReceiverPlan | RangeServer recovery receiver plan |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServerRecovery::ReplayPlan | Holds a fragment replay plan for the recovery of a RangeServer |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServerRecovery::ServerReceiverPlan | Server receiver plan |
CHypertable::Lib::RowInterval | Represents a row interval |
CHypertable::Lib::ScanSpec | Scan predicate and control specification |
CHypertable::MetaLog::Entity | Base class for MetaLog entities |
CHypertable::ProfileDataScanner | Scanner profile data |
►CHypertable::QualifiedRangeSpec | Qualified (with table identifier) range specification |
CHypertable::QualifiedRangeSpecManaged | Qualified (with table identifier) range specification, with storage |
CHypertable::RangeMoveSpec | Range move specification |
►CHypertable::RangeSpec | Range specification |
CHypertable::RangeSpecManaged | Wrapper for RangeSpec providing member storage |
►CHypertable::RangeState | Range state |
CHypertable::RangeStateManaged | Range state with memory management |
CHypertable::Status | Holds Nagios-style program status information |
CHypertable::SystemVariable::Spec | Holds a variable code and boolean value |
►CHypertable::TableIdentifier | Table identifier |
CHypertable::TableIdentifierManaged | Wrapper for TableIdentifier providing member storage |
CHypertable::TableParts | Represents a set of table parts (sub-tables) |
CHypertable::SerializedCellsReader | |
CHypertable::SerializedCellsWriter | |
CHypertable::ThriftBroker::ServerHandlerFactory | |
CHypertable::ServerLauncher | Launches external commands and redirects their output to a file; kills the external process when going out of scope |
CHypertable::Lib::RS_METRICS::ServerMeasurement | Single server metrics measurement |
CHypertable::Lib::RS_METRICS::ServerMetrics | Aggregates metrics for an individual RangeServer |
CHypertable::BalanceAlgorithmLoad::ServerMetricSummary | |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServerRecovery::ServerReceiverPlanByLocation | |
CHypertable::Lib::RangeServerRecovery::ServerReceiverPlanByRange | |
CHypertable::ServerState | Holds dynamic server state |
CHyperspace::Session | Hyperspace session |
►CHyperspace::SessionCallback | A callback object derived from this class gets passed into the constructor of Hyperspace |
CHypertable::HyperspaceSessionHandler | |
CHypertable::Lib::Master::ClientHyperspaceSessionCallback | |
CHypertable::RangeLocatorHyperspaceSessionCallback | |
CHypertable::TableCache | |
CSessionHandler | |
CHyperspace::SessionData | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_any_string | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_as_commands | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_balance_algorithm | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_blocksize | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_bloom_filter | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_clone_table_name | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_command | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_command | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_compressor | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_counter | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_delete_timestamp | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_delete_version_timestamp | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_destination | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_dir_name | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_dup_key_cols | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_dup_key_cols_true | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_event_mask | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_field_separator | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_file_name | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_flags_compaction_type | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_flags_index_type | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_flags_range_type | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_group_commit_interval | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_header_file | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_help | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_help | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_if_exists | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_ignore_unknown_cfs | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_in_memory | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_input_file | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_insert_columnkey | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_insert_rowkey | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_insert_rowkey_call | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_insert_timestamp | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_insert_value | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_insert_value_call | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_last_attr | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_last_attr_name | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_last_attr_size | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_last_attr_value | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_locate_type | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_lock_mode | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_max_versions | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_modify_flag | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_namespace | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_new_table_name | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_no_log | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_node_name | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_noescape | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_nokeys | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_open_flag | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_outfile | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_output_file | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_range_end_row | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_range_start_row | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_rangeserver | |
CHyperspace::HsParser::set_recursive | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_rename_column_family_new_name | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_rename_column_family_old_name | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_replay | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_replication | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_row_uniquify_chars | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_scanner_id | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_single_cell_format | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_source | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_str | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_table_name | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_tables_only | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_time_order | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_timestamp_column | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_ttl | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_variable_name | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_variable_value | |
CHypertable::Hql::set_with_ids | |
CHypertable::ConnectionManager::SharedImpl | Connection manager state shared between Connection manager objects |
CHypertable::ThriftBroker::SharedMutatorMapKey | |
►Csink_tag | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::FileSink::category | |
CHypertable::SleepWakeNotifier | Delivers sleep and wakeup notifications |
►Csockaddr_in | |
CHypertable::InetAddr | Encapsulate an internet address |
CHypertable::SockAddrEqual | Equality predicate functor class for InetAddr |
CHypertable::SockAddrHash | Hash functor class for InetAddr |
►Csource_tag | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::FileSource::category | |
CHypertable::SshOutputCollector | Collects buffers of output from execution of remote SSH command |
CHypertable::SshThreadsCallbacks | Thread callbacks for libssh |
CHypertable::Hql::start_alter_table | |
CHypertable::Hql::start_create_table_statement | |
CHypertable::StaticBuffer | A memory buffer of static size |
CHypertable::CellCache::Statistics | Holds cache statistics |
CHypertable::ThriftBroker::ServerHandler::Statistics | |
►CHypertable::StatsSerializable | Abstract base class for managing serialized statistics |
CHypertable::StatsRangeServer | |
CHypertable::StatsSystem | Collects, serializes and deserializes system-wide statistics |
CHypertable::StatsTable | |
CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::StatusManager | Manages file system broker status |
CHypertable::StatusPersister | Persists program status information to disk |
CHypertable::Stopwatch | Measures elapsed time between instantiation (or a call to start) and a call to stop |
►Cstreambuf | |
►CHypertable::FixedStreamBuf | A simple streambuf with fixed size buffer |
CHypertable::FixedIstream | Input stream using a fixed buffer |
CHypertable::FixedOstream | Output stream using a fixed buffer |
CHypertable::StringCompressorPrefix | A class to prefix-compress strings |
CHypertable::StringDecompressorPrefix | A class to decompress prefix-compressed strings |
CHypertable::SubProperties | Helper class to access parts of the properties |
CHypertable::SwapStat | A structure to retrieve Swapping statistics (pages swapped in/out, aggregate total numbers etc) |
CHypertable::System | |
CHypertable::Monitoring::table_rrd_data | |
CHypertable::TableDumper | |
CTools::client::rangeserver::TableInfo | |
CHypertable::TableInfoMap | Manages live range map and set of log names that can be safely removed |
CHypertable::TableMutatorAsyncCompletionCounter | Tracks outstanding RangeServer update requests |
CHypertable::TableMutatorAsyncScatterBuffer | |
CHypertable::TableMutatorAsyncSendBuffer | |
CHypertable::TableMutatorCompletionCounter | Tracks outstanding RangeServer update requests |
CHypertable::TableSplit | Represents a table split |
CHypertable::TableSplitBuilder | |
CHypertable::TclHash | Helper structure using overloaded operator() to calculate the Tcl hashes of various input types |
CHypertable::TclHash2 | Helper structure using overloaded operator() to calculate the Tcl hashes of various input types (using tcl_hash2, the faster implementation) |
CHypertable::TermInfo | A structure to retrieve terminal information (lines, columns etc) |
CHypertable::TestData | |
CHypertable::TestFun< FunT > | Helper class wrapping the invocation of a single test function |
CHypertable::TestHarness | A simple test framework which sets up the logging subsystem, can compare its output against a golden file or regenerate the golden file |
CHypertable::TestSource | |
CHypertable::TestStat | Accumulates min, max, mean and stdev of the test results; based on the Welford method for numerical stability (see |
CHypertable::Status::Text | Status text string constants |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor::ThreadContext | |
CHypertable::Timer | A timer class to keep timeout states across AsyncComm related calls |
CHypertable::TimeWindow | Defines a time window |
CHypertable::PageArena< CharT, PageAllocatorT >::TinyBuffer | A small buffer (128 bytes) to satisfy very small memory allocations without allocating a page from the heap |
CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::ToJson | Compiles a cluster definition file into an executable bash script |
CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::Token | Cluster definition file token |
CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::Tokenizer | Splits cluster definition file into tokens |
CHypertable::TransferLog | Creates a unique range transfer log pathname |
CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::TranslationContext | Context used to translate cluster definition statements |
►CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::Translator | Abstract base class for translators |
CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::TranslatorCode | Translates a code block |
CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::TranslatorRole | Translates a role definition |
CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::TranslatorTask | Translates a task definition |
CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::TranslatorVariable | Translates a variable definition |
CTweet | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CTweetTable | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
►Cstd::unordered_map< K, T > | STL class |
CHypertable::CommAddressMap< TableMutatorAsyncSendBufferPtr > | |
CHypertable::CommAddressMap< TypeT, addr > | Parameterized hash map for mapping CommAddress to arbitrary type |
CHypertable::CstrHashMap< DataT, TraitsT > | A hash map for storing and lookup char * strings efficiently |
CHypertable::MaintenanceFlag::Map | Maps object pointers to bit fields |
CHypertable::SockAddrMap< TypeT, addr > | Unordered map specialization for InetAddr keys |
CHypertable::SockAddrMap< ConnectionStatePtr > | |
CHypertable::SockAddrMap< Hypertable::DispatchHandlerOperationSystemStatus::Result * > | |
CHypertable::SockAddrMap< Hypertable::IOHandlerAccept * > | |
CHypertable::SockAddrMap< Hypertable::IOHandlerData * > | |
CHypertable::SockAddrMap< Hypertable::IOHandlerDatagram * > | |
CHypertable::SockAddrMap< Hypertable::IOHandlerRaw * > | |
CHypertable::SockAddrMap< Hypertable::RangeServerStatistics * > | |
CHypertable::SockAddrMap< String > | |
►Cstd::unordered_set< K > | STL class |
CHypertable::BlobHashSet< TraitsT > | A HashSet for storing and looking up blobs efficiently |
CHypertable::UpdateContext | Context record for update request passed into UpdatePipeline |
CHypertable::UpdatePipeline | Three-staged, multithreaded update pipeline |
CHypertable::UpdateRecRange | Specifies a range of updates (key/value pairs) within a buffer |
CHypertable::UpdateRecRangeList | Holds updates destined for a specific range |
CHypertable::UpdateRecTable | Holds updates destined for a specific table |
CHypertable::UpdateRequest | Holds client update request and error state |
CHypertable::Usage | Helper class for printing usage banners on the command line |
CUser | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CUserTable | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CHypertable::LocationCache::Value | |
►Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
CHypertable::TableSplitsContainer | |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor::vertex_info | |
CHypertable::WordStream::word_info | Internal structure for a single word |
CHypertable::WordStream | A class generating a stream of words; the words are retrieved from a file and can be randomized |
CHypertable::OperationProcessor::Worker | |
CHypertable::MaintenanceQueue::Worker | |
CHypertable::ApplicationQueue::Worker | Application queue worker thread function (functor) |
CHypertable::MetaLog::Writer | Writes a MetaLog |
CHypertable::XmlParser | Base class for XML document parsers |
►CZend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap | |
CBootstrap | |
►CZend_Auth_Adapter_Interface | |
CMyAuthAdapter | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
►CZend_Controller_Action | |
CAboutController | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CErrorController | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CIndexController | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CLoginController | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CProfileController | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
►CZend_Form | |
CLoginForm | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CProfileForm | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CSendForm | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CSignupForm | Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc |
CZF | |