In order for your application to get access to the Hypertable java Thrift interface, you need to add the Hypertable jar file to your classpath. For example,
java -classpath /opt/hypertable/current/lib/java/hypertable-*.jar ...
Code Example
/** * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Hypertable, Inc. * * This file is distributed under the Apache Software License * ( */
package org.hypertable.thrift;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator;
import org.hypertable.thriftgen.*;
public class BasicClientTest { public static void main(String [] args) { ThriftClient client = null; long ns = -1; try { client = ThriftClient.create("localhost", 38080); ns = client.namespace_open("test"); // HQL examples show(client.hql_query(ns, "show tables").toString()); show(client.hql_query(ns, "select * from thrift_test").toString()); // Schema example Schema schema = new Schema(); schema = client.table_get_schema(ns, "thrift_test");
Iterator ag_it = schema.access_groups.keySet().iterator(); show("Access groups:"); while (ag_it.hasNext()) { show("\t" +; }
Iterator cf_it = schema.column_families.keySet().iterator(); show("Column families:"); while (cf_it.hasNext()) { show("\t" +; }
// mutator examples long mutator = client.mutator_open(ns, "thrift_test", 0, 0);
try { Cell cell = new Cell(); Key key = new Key(); key.setRow("java-k1"); key.setColumn_family("col"); cell.setKey(key); String vtmp = "java-v1"; cell.setValue( ByteBuffer.wrap(vtmp.getBytes()) ); client.mutator_set_cell(mutator, cell); } finally { client.mutator_close(mutator); }
// shared mutator example { MutateSpec mutate_spec = new MutateSpec(); mutate_spec.setAppname("test-java"); mutate_spec.setFlush_interval(1000); Cell cell = new Cell(); Key key;
key = new Key(); key.setRow("java-put1"); key.setColumn_family("col"); cell.setKey(key); String vtmp = "java-put-v1"; cell.setValue( ByteBuffer.wrap(vtmp.getBytes()) ); client.offer_cell(ns, "thrift_test", mutate_spec, cell);
key = new Key(); key.setRow("java-put2"); key.setColumn_family("col"); cell.setKey(key); vtmp = "java-put-v2"; cell.setValue( ByteBuffer.wrap(vtmp.getBytes()) ); client.shared_mutator_refresh(ns, "thrift_test", mutate_spec); client.shared_mutator_set_cell(ns, "thrift_test", mutate_spec, cell); Thread.sleep(2000); }
// scanner examples System.out.println("Full scan"); ScanSpec scanSpec = new ScanSpec(); // empty scan spec select all long scanner = client.scanner_open(ns, "thrift_test", scanSpec);
try { List<Cell> cells = client.scanner_get_cells(scanner);
while (cells.size() > 0) { for (Cell cell : cells) { byte[] tmp = cell.getValue(); String s = new String(tmp); show(s); } cells = client.scanner_get_cells(scanner); } } finally { client.scanner_close(scanner); } // restricted scanspec scanSpec.addToColumns("col:/^.*$/"); scanSpec.setRow_regexp("java.*"); scanSpec.setValue_regexp("v2"); scanner = client.scanner_open(ns, "thrift_test", scanSpec); System.out.println("Restricted scan"); try { List<Cell> cells = client.scanner_get_cells(scanner);
while (cells.size() > 0) { for (Cell cell : cells) { byte[] tmp = cell.getValue(); String s = new String(tmp); show(s); } cells = client.scanner_get_cells(scanner); } } finally { client.scanner_close(scanner); }
// asynchronous api long future=0; long mutator_async_1=0; long mutator_async_2=0; long color_scanner=0; long location_scanner=0; long energy_scanner=0; int expected_cells = 6; int num_cells = 0;
try { System.out.println("Asynchronous mutator"); future = client.future_open(0); mutator_async_1 = client.async_mutator_open(ns, "thrift_test", future, 0); mutator_async_2 = client.async_mutator_open(ns, "thrift_test", future, 0); Result result;
Cell cell = new Cell(); Key key;
key = new Key(); key.setRow("java-put1"); key.setColumn_family("col"); cell.setKey(key); String vtmp = "java-async-put-v1"; cell.setValue( ByteBuffer.wrap(vtmp.getBytes()) ); client.async_mutator_set_cell(mutator_async_1, cell);
key = new Key(); key.setRow("java-put2"); key.setColumn_family("col"); cell.setKey(key); vtmp = "java-async-put-v2"; cell.setValue( ByteBuffer.wrap(vtmp.getBytes()) ); client.async_mutator_set_cell(mutator_async_2, cell);
client.async_mutator_flush(mutator_async_1); client.async_mutator_flush(mutator_async_2);
int num_flushes=0; while (true) { result = client.future_get_result(future, 0); if (result.is_empty || result.is_error || result.is_scan) break; num_flushes++; } if (num_flushes > 2) { System.out.println("Expected 2 flushes, received " + num_flushes); System.exit(1); } if (client.future_is_cancelled(future) || client.future_is_full(future) || !client.future_is_empty(future) || client.future_has_outstanding(future)) { System.out.println("Future object in unexpected state"); System.exit(1); } } finally { client.async_mutator_close(mutator_async_1); client.async_mutator_close(mutator_async_2); }
try { System.out.println("Asynchronous scan"); ScanSpec ss = new ScanSpec(); color_scanner = client.async_scanner_open(ns, "FruitColor", future, ss); location_scanner = client.async_scanner_open(ns, "FruitLocation", future, ss); energy_scanner = client.async_scanner_open(ns, "FruitEnergy", future, ss); Result result; while (true) { result = client.future_get_result(future, 0); if (result.is_empty || result.is_error || !result.is_scan) break; for (Cell cell : result.cells) { byte[] tmp = cell.getValue(); String s = new String(tmp); show(s); num_cells++; } if (num_cells >= 6) { client.future_cancel(future); break; } } if (!client.future_is_cancelled(future)) { System.out.println("Expected future object to be cancelled"); System.exit(1); } } finally { client.async_scanner_close(color_scanner); client.async_scanner_close(location_scanner); client.async_scanner_close(energy_scanner); client.future_close(future); } if (num_cells != 6) { System.out.println("Expected " + expected_cells + " cells got " + num_cells); System.exit(1); }
// issue 497 { Cell cell; Key key; String str;
client.hql_query(ns, "drop table if exists java_thrift_test"); client.hql_query(ns, "create table java_thrift_test ( c1, c2, c3 )");
mutator = client.mutator_open(ns, "java_thrift_test", 0, 0);
cell = new Cell(); key = new Key(); key.setRow("000"); key.setColumn_family("c1"); key.setColumn_qualifier("test"); cell.setKey(key); str = "foo"; cell.setValue( ByteBuffer.wrap(str.getBytes()) ); client.mutator_set_cell(mutator, cell);
cell = new Cell(); key = new Key(); key.setRow("000"); key.setColumn_family("c1"); cell.setKey(key); str = "bar"; cell.setValue( ByteBuffer.wrap(str.getBytes()) ); client.mutator_set_cell(mutator, cell);
HqlResult result = client.hql_query(ns, "select * from java_thrift_test"); List<Cell> cells = result.cells; int qualifier_count = 0; for(Cell c:cells) { if (c.key.isSetColumn_qualifier() && c.key.column_qualifier.length() == 0) qualifier_count++; }
if (qualifier_count != 1) { System.out.println("ERROR: Expected qualifier_count of 1, got " + qualifier_count); client.namespace_close(ns); System.exit(1); } }
} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { if (client != null && ns != -1) client.namespace_close(ns); } catch (Exception ce) { System.err.println("Problen closing namespace \"test\" - " + e.getMessage()); } System.exit(1); } }
private static void show(String line) { System.out.println(line); } }