Community Contributions

The power and quality of Hypertable is a direct result of the contributions by the open source community.  If you would like to become a contributor to this project, fill out the Hypertable Contributor Agreement and fax it to 650-230-7176, or scan it and e-mail it to


Name Contribution
Andy Thalmann Microsoft Windows port, Hyperspace API, Testing
Sriharsha "Harsha" Chintalapani Monitoring System
Vincent Charles Original Monitoring System
Taylor Sittler Improved Streaming MapReduce API
Trent Altman Hadoop Streaming MapReduce Input/Output Formats, Testing
Tyler Kovaks HyperRecord (ActiveRecord for Hypertable)
Mateusz Berezecki Original MapReduce Connector, Python Bindings
Rusty Burchfield Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Naveen Koorakula Bloom Filter
Luke Lu MetaLog Design, ThriftBroker, Supporting Libraries, ...
Gordon Rios Ruby RICE Extension, Load Balancing Design
Christoph Rupp Snappy Compressor, CELL OFFSET/LIMIT, MicroBlog example, Secondary Indexes
Sanjit Jhala Load Balancing, Asynchronous API, Atomic Counters, Regex filtering, ALTER TABLE, RangeServer Failover
Doug Judd Original Creator